
A lot of you are probably wondering (or not) why I haven't been posting chapters to my story. Well, all I have to give you is school. And homework, too. This past months ever since February I haven't been able to write or read much. So I will most likely be able to get some chapters out during the summer.


A lot of you are probably wondering (or not) why I haven't been posting chapters to my story. Well, all I have to give you is school. And homework, too. This past months ever since February I haven't been able to write or read much. So I will most likely be able to get some chapters out during the summer.


It is almost Christmas break, and I haven't gotten a chapter out for PJO crossover! My bad! But since its covid, there is like a 25 percent chance that I will be traveling and if I do, it will only be for a couple days. I promise that I will get it out then. Part 1 and 2.


AHHHHHH! The one time I try to make my brain work and finish a chapter in my book, THE CHAPTER TAKES FOREVER!  I cannot think of anything else to put into the chapter, but it is incomplete. Im so sorry for the brain lag! I am going to try to finish it!


Alright! So I have the first chapter almost done, but I want you guys to tell me: Would you rather that Silver's POV (chapter 3 of KOTLC and PJO crossover) be in first person or third person? I repeated the question because nobody answered. If I don't get any responses by tomorrow, I will continue with the writing and post it in first person.