
Hey yall, follow my new account @BLaena_Dinoryn for new fanfictions. 


Sorry for my recent inactivity, between school, work, and some family issues, I’ve been really busy and rarely have time for myself...though I’m not too popular so that doesn’t really matter i guess....


It does matter! (I’m alive once more and wanted to say you’re awesome :D)


So shortly coming to local stories near you will be a Medieval Fantasy au for Voltron Legendary Defenders. 
          Allura is the second Princess of the Woodland realm, succeeding her missing older sister. She is set to marry the human prince, Takashi Shirogane, when suddenly the dreaded Dragon Pirate, Captain Lotor of the north seas, crashes the wedding and steals the princess, claiming she is the chosen one. Follow this story of Romance and Angst and Adventure as the unlikeliest alliances are made to try to purge the evil from the land of Ervinspire. 


Ok, my voltron fans, i need your help. Here are two plots im wanting to write into an adaul content au for Voltron. I made them before the new season btw so dont hate on it...which would you prefer?
          New Voltron au:
          For 10,000 years, Zarkon has been in power. Searching the universe for the lions of Voltron, he was outraged to find that new paladins had arisen and were now taking back parts of his empire. it is then discovered that his former ally and leader of the sister race to alteans was still alive and hidden from his reach. with the assisstance of Hagar, he found them and took the princess hostage and forced her to create another voltron that would rival the current one, her father having been killed in the attack. however, Lotor hijacks this plan for his own use for the galra empire
          Next Generation Au:
          The paladins of earth are gone. The lions of Voltron separated once more. the Voltron Coalition backed into the corner without their legendary defender as the Galra became more aggressive. Lotor was killed by Sendak. Allura's left to pilot the castle, Coran once again at her side. Matt Holt is the leader of the Coalition, however he couldn't get the green lion to respond to him. Now, 10 years later, the lions are found once more. The Black lion is on the Castle, sealed away as Alfor had done 10000 years prior. The Red lion sent to Earth.  The Blue lion was guarded by the Mermaids. The Yellow Lion resided in the heart of the Baulmera. The green lion was no where to be found. it was once again time for Allura to find new paladins. Pidge is now a Hologram. Lance was shot down while trying to save earth. Allura sent the Blue and Green lions away. Hunk went to save the Baulmerans and never returned. Shiro was killed by Kuro, who died from the injuries of the battle not long after.
          Please leave your votes below. Thanks for your time.


Im not perfect. No one is. Mistakes are made in life but that is because they are meant to be. These are simply tests. Tests to determine if you have the strength to show compassion to those who have wronged you. In this, many fail but that is because they arent ready. Those who can forgive others unconditionally are mature enough to be considered adults. It is not in our rights to judge as we tiny humans do. However if we accept that we are by nature imperfect and strive to be the best person we can, it says a lot about us as people and we can become better people. As it says in the Lord's prayer: 
          Our father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will undone on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive those who have trespassed against us. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thein is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
          This states that we must overcome our eartly anger to then forgive others as He would us so that they may try to find it in them to forgive us. Im not saying im now perfect because im not amd will not ever be. As a human that is how i am meant to be. I am simply saying that i am sorry for any trouble i have caused and that i hope those i have wronged may see ot in them to forgive me. 


But it's alright 


            That's good to hear because sometimes it happens once my friend gets a whole of them they do it because I can't stick up for my self....
            It doesn't get pretty trust me.....it's just I kept asking what was going on but all I got was well nothing I tried my best to ask because I was so confused and scared because lots of people do this story so I was like 'Eh?!' 
            Sorry for that it's just that they really did see me hurt and well....I'm not even going to explain because I'm bad at doing that and look it can hurt hate does but you don't let that affect you you know why because that's what they want they want you to do that so they can act all scary and act like boss and that's not right you don't let people do that hun trust me I learned and I try my best to stand up and you need to do that because the haters are only trying to get to u making you lose interest making you feel so weak like me what you did made me feel all these type of these but I didn't stop I didn't care if I caused more hate I did it because I love you know writing and you shouldn't stop because of some salty childish jealous person and that's right I don't even know what I did wrong I was so confused and everything and you shouldn't be doing that don't get the anger go through you it makes people feel so bad and useless.....I've gotten use to it so that's why it doesn't affect me and I really didn't get what I plageiriazed I still don't get what I did wrong I-I try my best in everything but like always I know I'm a screw up I've always been that way  


@MissMidnightShadow for your information, doll, it wasnt your friend who made me want to apologize. It was my doing. Upon recieving information from a professional that it was in fact not an infringement of copyrights, i did my best to mend the situation. And you were not the only one hurt. I have been deleting hate messages on my page because they were extremely rude and disrespectful. It was then that your friend started our conversation in which i apologized. However it is also children who are the reason i am not updating those stories. Too many people have given hate on my ideas and i have lost interest in these stories. In all honesty i didnt even really have the right to be upset over a possible plagerism because i abandoned the idea. I was more hurt because my best friend and i worked for three years to create our Next Generation story. Originally it was a way to escape the pain of an ex but it turned into an activity bringing me closer to my friend. There was so much put into that story amd i was blinded with outrage when i found ypur story in my notification board. I am truely sorry for the grief i caused you, doll