
I don't know what to think anymore! My mom says my birth father left us but my aunt, her sister, says my great-grandmother kept him from going in w en I was born!!! Why does this have to be so complicated!!! I need help please anyone... Eh what's the point in asking for help... Who would waste their time helping a piece of trash? Heh...


I don't know what to think anymore! My mom says my birth father left us but my aunt, her sister, says my great-grandmother kept him from going in w en I was born!!! Why does this have to be so complicated!!! I need help please anyone... Eh what's the point in asking for help... Who would waste their time helping a piece of trash? Heh...


Is it ever ok? When is it going to end? Should I just "go to sleep"? It's too much. Of course he treats me differently, I'm not his real kid. I should have expected it. I'm just an idiot for thinking life could get better. Maybe I should leave. Maybe I should just leave and never return. Would they notice? Maybe in a week. I need help. I know I do. No one tries to get me to be comfortable. Even with my own parents i put up a mask. They don't seem to see. I pretend I am happy but inside i really am just a powerless idiot who resorts to posting these long paragraphs so that I don't have to talk aloud. If I disappear who would notice? "If only, if only" the woodpecker sighs "the bark on the tree was as soft as the skys" While the wolf waits below, hungry and lonely, Crying to the moo-oo-oon, "If only, if only.”. Heh


It's okay... I'm ok... Unnoticed as usual... Heh if anyone actually reads this then you should find something better to do... I'm just a waste of space, time, and air.... Guess I can some what safely vent here and no one will notice not even my friends...heheh.....


No reply...should have guessed it...I'm gonna be making a watching HTTYD book if you wanna read it maybe...