
@OdieUchiha Totally!


I have to do a 20 random facts thing cause I've been nominated by @Dragon_Hunters -.-
          1. Hmm I don't know were to start lol, umm I guess that I'm married?
          2. I'm homosexual, don't like then leave cause I ignore hate
          3. I really like beanies
          4. I've had an obsession with dragons since I was little, seriously.
          5. I pretended I was a dog for a whole year when I was five
          6. I have photographic memory
          7. I've had health problems since I was four that keeps me in the hospital a lot 
          8. I'm a consular for teens who are depressed or scuicidel I literally do this for my job when I'm not ill
          9. I can eat dairy due to my weak immune system 
          10. I'm a vegetarian 
          11. I have feet phobia... I hate feet soooo much
          12. I'm deathly afraid of spiders, scorpions, mice, hamsters, rats, and venomous snakes.
          13. My husband has a scorpion and I swear on day ima kill it -.-
          14. I've been snake bit twice by a copper head
          15. I <3 my star bucks coffee
          16. I freakin love peanut butter covered waffles but I don't get to eat them often
          17. My favorite movie has always been little mermaid, my mom used to watch it with me when I was stuck in the hospital
          18. I used to always want to do ballet
          19. Hmm I hate the smell of ferbreeze 
          20. I love cookies
          Ugh so many questions lol. Ok I have no clue who to nominate sooo bleh.