
Thank you for following me! It means a lot! I read your description amethyst... I think you should write a fan fiction. I bet it would be really good! Especially if you put effort in it! 
          With luv, 


@StormShips26 Sure! i'll keep that in mind.


@StormShips26 That made my day! Thank you! And a suggestion... You can have someone to private message you details and such. I'm the co- author of my irl friend's books, and she just have me the password to her account. That's because she knows me really well though. But i mean, i could help you giving you details for a certain part and you could copy and paste it, or suggestions? Even if you have an irl can do the same, or ya know... Whoever! XD


@StormShips26 I will! but that might take a few months but i will try as fast as i can! and i have been thinking of getting a co- author to help with it but i dont know how, any ideas, BTW i really like your Winter's Storm book! its a really amazing book that actually inspired me to write my own story!