
this is the only good marauders fic I have liked so far bro ur portrayal of wolfstar is the best ever  I hope you feel better and get back to releasing new chapters as you are a very talented writer and definitely know how to keep a reader hooked!! 


@debbdelrey Ahh thank you so much!! I'm glad you've been enjoying the story and I am very excited to soon return to posting again. Thanks!


Hi friend I just want to say that i miss you and I hope you're feeling better and having a nice holidays 


@ AleCastillo  oh it's ok I get it!! Don't worry about it!! I'm really excited for your comeback!! I wish you only THE BEST this new year!! 


@AleCastillo Thank you so so much, I really appreciate the message. Sorry I didn't reply sooner but I did see it and it really cheered me up. I hope you had some nice holidays too! And I'll be coming back soon to posting! :D


Hi I love shifting lines so much I’ve been reading since the first book and I was wondering if I could have your permission to print it into a hard copy?


Haha thanks I do print my own books though so not as expensive as getting off of Lulu or some other site


@katebishopsbbg Hey there! It is absolutely okay! But it will probably be a bit expensive haha but go for it :) thank you!!!


I just wanted to say that the Shifting Lines series is one of my all time favorite marauders fanfics. You are a really gifted writer! You also have the best characterization of Peter Pettigrew I have ever seen. I can’t wait to read the rest of your story, and thank you so much for writing it! 


I’m mostly a reader on Ao3, but I found you on here and just wanted to let you know how much I like the story 


@malfoyman0r_ ahhh thank you so much! I currently update every tues and friday !!! I'm hoping once I start writing faster I can go back to adding in a third chapter every other week but right now it's just twice a week. Thank you so so so much I'm so happy you're enjoying the story!!!


I just finished reading everything u have written so far , and I am absolutely blown away! The story is amazing and you are really talented! I literally prefer these to some of the original harry potter books :) Thank you so much for taking time to write them and I enjoyed reading it so much! Ok so I'm probably saying a bit too much but I loved it! :)


@MoonOrchid1689 Ahhhh wow!! Thank you so much! It's so wonderful to know you're enjoying Shifting Lines!! It always makes me very happy to hear <3 and to know you're enjoying them that much, ahhhh <3 thank you!!!