
Okay so.... I have been really bad at updating my books and I was thinking, maybe I should just update one at a time? Like, I chose only one book that I update frequently. I wasn't quite sure, but to all you who have read my books, what book would you like to see me update frequently?


Hello! It's been a while! How are you? ^o^


@EmmaTheEnderGirl I know, right?! I miss the warm, summer-y days where you can just sit in the warm sun... but we are almost there! ;D


@DotComPickle Excellent! The weather is getting better and better each day! If only it was Summer already!


@EmmaTheEnderGirl I'm doing great! How have you been lately?


Okay so.... I have been really bad at updating my books and I was thinking, maybe I should just update one at a time? Like, I chose only one book that I update frequently. I wasn't quite sure, but to all you who have read my books, what book would you like to see me update frequently?


Hi peeps, I have a question to ask you. I was looking through Lily's short-stories-that-may-someday-become-long-stories book, and I thought to myself, You know what, I have story ideas that I could just jot down (when I find the time)! Maybe I should make a book like that! But I wanted to ask you guys first. Plus, do you think that would be too copy-catish?


Okay, great! Thank you! :3


@DotComPickle no, i think thatd be great!!


Okay, so peeps who have read/are reading Journey, I am working on changing it so it makes more sense, and so there is no point of view. But I've only gotten half of it done, and I don't know when I'll have time to do the other half, so for now it makes absolutely no sense. Just a heads up!


Okay.... I was just wondering, for all of you that have read Journey and Haunted, would it be better if I went back and replaced all the "me"s and "I"s with their names? I thought it might make more sense that way, but I wanted your opinions first