
Today's my birthday!
          	As my birthday gift to you all, I've released the newest chapter to my Doom story as well as a new story that may or may not be connected to my previous story once it ends. You'll see what I mean soon enough.... :)


Today's my birthday!
          As my birthday gift to you all, I've released the newest chapter to my Doom story as well as a new story that may or may not be connected to my previous story once it ends. You'll see what I mean soon enough.... :)


Okay so the chapter is ready to be posted but there's one problem. When I posted the chapter and went to read it, it was all blank. Now hear me out, I have the chapter saved on a document so I didn't lose all of my progress. The only reason this is happening because Wattpad wouldn't save the chapter to begin with. What annoys me the most is that even after I copy and pasted the whole chapter and published it, it didn't count as "saving" the chapter. Which is why the chapter looks empty. That just pisses me off because the chapter wasn't super long to begin with and yet it won't save the chapter even after publishing the damn thing. If anyone knows how to fix this problem, please let me know cause I don't wanna discontinue the story all because of a dumb bug/glitch that I came across on Wattpad.


So about the problems I've had with Wattpad about the auto save failing to work properly........
          I've managed to find a workaround with the issue by making my new chapter on google docs. It ain't the same as Wattpad but it's an alternative I'll have to work with for now until Wattpad's auto save works again for me. I'm halfway done with the chapter so I'm planning to release it on March 12. Hopefully copying and pasting the entire chapter from docs to Wattpad works and actually publishes without any huge problems


@Dootrevenant76 Heavy: Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Maybe. 


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Thanks Wattpad.
          Thanks for making me delete the newest chapter to my Doom x Kill La Kill story that I planned to release at the end of February. Thanks for putting the "Failed to save the part" crap to ruin my day and lose all my progress. Because of this, I can't make a new fresh chapter to continue my story. Now I can't finish my story or make a new one entirely because of that dumbass error. FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC
          Am I the only one that has this issue? Please let me know guys cause this is legit frustrating


@rodeo578 I don't know if that'll work cause the error starts up almost instantly as soon as I type a single letter but I'll try it out


@Dootrevenant76 I have an idea. Save that draft to Google docs app by copy and paste in case the chapter decides to go error mode on you. It will save you the headache.