
Me,, leaves and comes back two months later, reads an unbelievable unhinged fanfiction leaves two comments and then disappears once again




My uncle took us out on the boat today and I found a shark tooth! But I dropped it in between the seats of the car and I was NOT fishing it out so I guess it lives there now lol
          Also we saw like a whole ton of dolphins and a bazillion hermit crabs


@Dog-With-a-Donut   Oooh!! Sounds like fun!!


I went roller skating for the first time and I had a blast! I was able to skate around without the wall towards the end and I definitely wanna do I more often!


@CocoBean_1211 yeah, I'm kinda sore. Sorry you did have fun tho.


@Dog-With-a-Donut  Honestly, I really hated it. I just don't have the balance for it, my legs were weak, and literally my entire body is aching from all the times I fell yesterday. Glad you enjoyed it though!


@Dog-With-a-Donut roller skating is always really fun Ngl. I haven’t done it in a while tho lol


I asked my fun keyboard AI to write me a tragedy and OMG I DID NOT EXPECT IT TO GO THIS DARK. 
          Anyways here's the story
          Stephenson the fox had always been fascinated by ants. He loved to watch them scurrying about, working tirelessly to gather food and care for their colony. Despite being a predator, Stephenson admired their hard work and dedication.
          One day, while Stephenson was out hunting, he came across a colony of ants. Instead of attacking them, he watched them, entranced by their movements. He began visiting the colony regularly, always careful not to disturb them or harm any of the ants.
          Over time, Stephenson became more and more enamored with the ants. He would spend hours watching them and even started bringing them gifts of food. The ants seemed to appreciate his presence and would often crawl up onto his fur to say hello.
          But one day, tragedy struck. A group of humans came into the forest and began spraying pesticides on the plants and trees. The ants, who were unable to move quickly enough to escape, were killed off in droves. Stephenson was devastated. He had grown to love the ants and felt a deep sense of loss at their deaths.
          In the weeks that followed, Stephenson became increasingly despondent. He no longer felt joy in hunting or exploring the forest. All he could think about was the ants and how they had been taken from him so suddenly and cruelly.
          Eventually, Stephenson became so depressed that he stopped eating and drinking altogether. He lay down in his den and refused to move, his once-bright eyes now dull and lifeless. It wasn't long before he succumbed to the grief and sadness that had overtaken him, leaving behind a world that no longer held any joy for him.
          Credit to Facemoji


Me, posts an actual genuine art piece that I worked very hard on devianart: dead silence
          Me, posts some random shitpost/furry drawing on devianart: every who sees the post likes it and you have five hundred new followers and everyone looks up to you and you are crowned queen of devianart


@Dog-With-a-Donut if  I had a deviant art account, I’d spam your notifications lol


O yea I’m putting ‘update and re-publish’ my fantasy world book on my to do list bc there’s a lot of stuff I need to add and change abt it and also I’m announcing this as a way of holding myself accountable 
          Hope your day has been swell