I would honestly be surprised if you knew who I was but you need not fret over this! I will merely introduce myself! After all I am the proxy that Slenderman doesn't trust after all, of course he would try to hide me away from the world. Hell most proxies didn't even know I existed. I am Dr. Evander Locklear, but you may call me whatever you like, I don't mind at all. If you have any questions for me feel free to ask and I will try my best to get to them though try to be patient with me, I am a rather busy doctor who is particularly living off 7 cups of coffee and an Oreo.....and whatever is in my victims pantry. What? They're not going to eat it and the food will go to waste, so I might as well snack a little.
  • Raiding Bernadette's Refrigerator
  • JoinedFebruary 1, 2023