
During my vacation, I have read through my story and realized that it was lackluster and in general bad(Expected it, since I started it without thorough planning) which has encouraged me to re-write it after somehow finishing it. Don't really know how I should finish it though, mostly because I see no way for Joel and co to get out of the Afton cult's base.


During my vacation, I have read through my story and realized that it was lackluster and in general bad(Expected it, since I started it without thorough planning) which has encouraged me to re-write it after somehow finishing it. Don't really know how I should finish it though, mostly because I see no way for Joel and co to get out of the Afton cult's base.


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I will redo Anomalous Nightguard after finishing it, since I feel like the plot has gone to shit.


@Kokomalow idk if its worse than school


Was it worst than school? Mine has been a poopypoopypoopypants and is giving me a but ton of homework and my procrastination is going haywire. 


Just finished InuYasha, and oh man have I got a piece of news for you. I'm starting work on an InuYasha x OC(possibility of it being a soldier ranging from the year 1914-1945), however, I still haven't figured out the plot and the storyline yet so if you are interested in it, please be patient, anyway thank you for paying attention to this tiny announcement.


@DoctorWhoEatsApples no idea what that is but neat


I may do an InuYasha story that includes a person with a gun, however InuYasha centrelize around its main character a little too much so I don't know if he(the OC) will be able to get spotlight.


@SussyApple yup, I've been thinking about it for the last few days as I write the latest chapter of the FNIA story, although I may have to change the storyline a bit(maybe, a lot) in order for it to actually work. I don't know, I might actually write it after gaining enough experience as a writer.


@DoctorWhoEatsApples It would be really interesting to see a guy just shooting every goddamned demon he sees and be like "I don't know who I am... I don't know why I am here. All I know is that I must kill"