
Hey everyone! Guess who's back?  I've just dropped a new chapter of "Daddy James" and, get this, the Prologue for my brand new story "Misfit: Nina Trott" is up too! Please, give them a read, hit that vote button, and let me know your thoughts in the comments. I know I've been MIA for a while, so my profile's looking a tad neglected. Really need your support to bring some life back into it. Lots of love <3


@Doctor-Writer omg u r back please complete this story


Hey everyone! Guess who's back?  I've just dropped a new chapter of "Daddy James" and, get this, the Prologue for my brand new story "Misfit: Nina Trott" is up too! Please, give them a read, hit that vote button, and let me know your thoughts in the comments. I know I've been MIA for a while, so my profile's looking a tad neglected. Really need your support to bring some life back into it. Lots of love <3


@Doctor-Writer omg u r back please complete this story