
Heyo! I'm literally in a class right now, but during lunch break I'll be writing a new chapter for my Tanner x Reader One-Shot Book! <3 Give me idea or things you want to see in the story! I'll be going through all of them and doing my best to write them!


@Dmmdfan101 I've already requested this in the comments to one of your chapters, (I'll say it here just in case you didn't see it) but a fluff chapter where the reader convinces Tanner to stop smoking would be nice. :p


Heyo! I'm literally in a class right now, but during lunch break I'll be writing a new chapter for my Tanner x Reader One-Shot Book! <3 Give me idea or things you want to see in the story! I'll be going through all of them and doing my best to write them!


@Dmmdfan101 I've already requested this in the comments to one of your chapters, (I'll say it here just in case you didn't see it) but a fluff chapter where the reader convinces Tanner to stop smoking would be nice. :p


Hello! I'm finally so glad to announce my return! I was on a hiatus due to a loss of a friend, and traveling. I wanted to make this return worth while, so I am currently publishing a new book for Diabolik Lovers! Chapter 4 is already up! I hope you enjoy! <3