
Next Week Stevonnie Forever will be having a special event! Every day from the 24th to the 30th will be a new chapter, superseding other stories. In other words, The Diamonds Son will not be updating next week. Don’t worry; it has a special event on the horizon too!


k thanks for telling us


Next Week Stevonnie Forever will be having a special event! Every day from the 24th to the 30th will be a new chapter, superseding other stories. In other words, The Diamonds Son will not be updating next week. Don’t worry; it has a special event on the horizon too!


k thanks for telling us


I’m back from the grave everybody! My current plan is to get an actual update schedule. I’ll let you all know if plans change, but right now my plan is: Mondays and Thursdays- The Diamond’s Son, Tuesdays and Fridays- Weirdness, and Wednesday’s and Saturdays- Stevonnie Forever. Sundays are going to be my catch up day, so if I miss one, I’ll be posting it then. This is slated to start January 4. (There will still be updates until then, just not in a given schedule.)