
Hi guys! I was thinking about everything I wrote and was wondering if you guys even like my stories or if I should trash them. Also, I've been wanting to write a new story, but I have too many ideas. I'm going to let you choose what stories I should keep/should delete and what kind of new story to make. Comment to let me know! 


@MizoreAnime Write a story about whatever the hell you want be you want let it out


Hi guys! I was thinking about everything I wrote and was wondering if you guys even like my stories or if I should trash them. Also, I've been wanting to write a new story, but I have too many ideas. I'm going to let you choose what stories I should keep/should delete and what kind of new story to make. Comment to let me know! 


@MizoreAnime Write a story about whatever the hell you want be you want let it out