
Okay after a year I am once again getting back to editing my first book Tebow and the Girl. Along with that I have been working on getting a second book to continue Ella and Tim's story. Now I haven't published anything yet, because I'm still not sure if it will turn out okay or if I even want to continue. So far it is going and I have a few chapter, but once again not published due to uneasiness. So if you guys see updates for Tebow and the Girl, it is because I am editing. Also if you want a second book make sure you message me or comment on my post! I love you all, my lovelies! <3


Okay after a year I am once again getting back to editing my first book Tebow and the Girl. Along with that I have been working on getting a second book to continue Ella and Tim's story. Now I haven't published anything yet, because I'm still not sure if it will turn out okay or if I even want to continue. So far it is going and I have a few chapter, but once again not published due to uneasiness. So if you guys see updates for Tebow and the Girl, it is because I am editing. Also if you want a second book make sure you message me or comment on my post! I love you all, my lovelies! <3


389 reads, 5 votes, 8 comments on Tebow and the Girl!!! Also 41 followers total! You guys are the best! Thank you! Love you guys! I'm sorry I don't update much! And the other stories I haven't updated in quite a while. I'm sorry I've been busy with school,track, and stuff at home. So I'm really sorry!


This was only 11 days ago and I now have 471 reads!! Thank you guys! I went up 82 reads in 11 days!! You guys are awesome!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!


Okay to all of my followers, and to others who are just reading Tebow and the Girl.. Um it started out a PG-13 type of book. Well I will warn you and I did change the rating that it is now rated mature because there are parts that I didn't plan on having in the book that go into detail. I will say I also do give a warning in the chapter when it gets really bad so if you can't handle that certain thing you can skip that part. You won't be missing much.. Well sort of, but you will find out what happens. If you have questions message me! Also thanks for the messages already! Thanks for the great reviews! You are amazing followers! Love you guys! :) <3


All people  African, European, American - worry about being different. But I've learned that the traits we'd rush to get rid of are the very ones that others desire. People always covet what they don't have. That's why we should look at ourselves every now and then and say, 'I'm proud of myself. I like the way I'm made.' -Freida Pinto 
          Remember you are who you are and are perfect the way you were made. :) Don't try and change yourself for other people. If you have to change for them, change something else, remove them from your life. You don't need to be around someone who tries to change you. Even if you love and care about that person, just remember they aren't worth changing for. If they really loved you, you don't need to change.  DON'T CHANGE! BE YOU! BE WHO YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE! YOU! :)