
this message may be offensive
          	Anyways, hi! :3 
          	I got stuff planned ;D


Sup. I've never really said sup ever... Anyways! ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ 
          Originally it gonna be a Royalty au then my brain decided to make an Apocalypse au. But I really wanted to do Royalty one where me and my friend had been planning, still the idea was fun. I was interested in both and you maybe asking: " Oh, but why don't you do both?" Well.... Because I didn't think of it! Ok? Great, moving on. So I asked my mom and my brother and they both said Apocalypse au, but yet my brain purely couldn't find joy out of any of these. Then lead to a burnout and writers block (again..) I like having fun with my books, ok? Anyways, I felt like I had to rush it and I chose the Royalty one because I had already started that one. And the first chapter was kinda cut short as I didn't know what to do, I could've left it on a cliffhanger. But I also wanted a build up, I rewrote the first chapter twice btw. And I was left dead on it, I had no joy. I felt bored while reading it and I couldn't even slide puns, nor stupid jokes in it. I was left with nothing, but something I thought looked and sounded stupid. I did and still do like the concept, but I honestly hate how I wrote it. And what made my burn out even worse was that I had an idea to add myself and 2 of my friends into the story I'm not really friends with ambrosa anymore, but continuing on. 


            Are You Okay?
             Writing is one of the Hardest Things i have ever Done, but the Worst thing to do while Writing is Stressing out about it. It's Alright if you dont want to Write at All, Readers will still Love Your Works and Wait for More. Another thing to never Do while Writing is Forcing yourself to Write. If you're Bored, You're Bored! The Most Important thing about Writing is Yourself. Sometimes Writing Helps you be Free with Creativity, but if you dont want to Write, Dont let anyone or Yourself Force You To. Its okay to not Enjoy your Works. its a Learning and Growing Process we all Experience, I Hope You're Asleep. .


@Tweins_ultra I was basically still going at my own paste as I was still in the planning part with my friend Willow which she was a lot easier to work with and didn't feel much pressure as with Ambrosa who constantly would text me in between our conversation asking if I had done her part, or got her design done yet. This would happen every point of the upcoming week(s) which annoyed me and put weight on my back as with Willow, she allowed me to work at my own speed. Because she knows that I over work myself and stuff (mainly personal.) I felt much better working with her than ambrosa, she just wanted to be in the story because I offered. But Willow she was actually helping me with the story. Then slowly, but surely we were getting somewhere. Though I still felt bored of it, so I stopped working and decided to postpone the work as I began to think about the Apocalypse au more. But had no motivation to wrote it which led to the break I had and such. So now we have a very tired twein/sparrow.. Hooray!... Anyways, happy new year! It's like 1:30 am as I'm finishing this. Hope you guys had a great year! I know I sorta didn't at the start until like- April! Or June.... I can't remember...


Psst. . .kuuhuuluu. . .


@Yembubbletea I have to wake up at 7 am every day. I woke up at 1 am once


@Tweins_ultra . . . .hi. . . .hello. . .you're up very early.