
@Xeno-King Also, I totally understand your social anxiety, because I had it too, plus I am a huge weeb. I get how you feel and writing stories helped me open up. The people who commented showed me compassion and helped me break out of this shell. You should try making a story too. It's a way of talking to people without actually having to talk to them, you get me? And please, even though you have social anxiety, if you ever want to try and talk to someone, you can talk to me. I'll be there to listen and respond. Now, have a great day and enjoy my works!


Thank you so, so much @Xeno-King for the comment on my 5th Hero story! It really means a whole lot to me as a writer to know you're at least a little interested in one of my works! If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to spark a friendly conversation, please don't hesitate to leave me a message or just more comments. I always respond A.S.A.P! Thanks again and I hope you enjoy the rest of the story!


Masked-Weeb Hi it is me the one hell of a sadist and if somebody is reading the conversation about how we is at power of elements it is a Naruto fanfic 


Put meet at how we at the front 


And also if you're wondering which chapter it is then it is talk later fight now