
hey just letting y'all know that I'm probably gonna start posting new stuff. I've kind of burnt myself out on Obey Me for right now, plus I've joined a bunch of new fandoms that have little to no content regarding the characters. This is not me saying that I've given up on Obey Me, I've just decided to follow down a different path. I will still update my Obey Me book every now and then, seeing as I'm actually working on 5 separate chapters for it at the moment, but I want to explore my writing style with other characters from different fandoms. I've grown, I've changed, and I want to continue down this path for as long as I can. I also am making a writing schedule so I can at least produce 1 new chapter per month. Doesn't matter what book it's in, just at least 1 chapter per month. I'm also going to start posting on Tumblr and A03 to see if I can gain more traction from my writing. I'll be sure to announce everywhere when I make new content and I'm going to work harder for myself and for others.
          	so to my 16 followers, y'all want anything? Cuz I promise I'm cooking something up rn


hey just letting y'all know that I'm probably gonna start posting new stuff. I've kind of burnt myself out on Obey Me for right now, plus I've joined a bunch of new fandoms that have little to no content regarding the characters. This is not me saying that I've given up on Obey Me, I've just decided to follow down a different path. I will still update my Obey Me book every now and then, seeing as I'm actually working on 5 separate chapters for it at the moment, but I want to explore my writing style with other characters from different fandoms. I've grown, I've changed, and I want to continue down this path for as long as I can. I also am making a writing schedule so I can at least produce 1 new chapter per month. Doesn't matter what book it's in, just at least 1 chapter per month. I'm also going to start posting on Tumblr and A03 to see if I can gain more traction from my writing. I'll be sure to announce everywhere when I make new content and I'm going to work harder for myself and for others.
          so to my 16 followers, y'all want anything? Cuz I promise I'm cooking something up rn


Ok so I was wrong. Mammon smut part 2 will not be coming out today. This is entirely my fault as I forgot to take my medication today and had a bit of a health scare. Rest assured that I will get the smut out to you all within the upcoming week. I'm actually really excited for this one! No spoilers but it's got a whole bunch of good stuff in it so stay tuned 


Heya! Thanks for following me 


@SamDoesntGiveAShit Thank you for that  I hope we can continue to get along in the future!


@ Disappointment68  same mate, don't worry i won't copy any thing of your book 


@SamDoesntGiveAShit I'm perfectly fine with you taking inspiration from my book as long as no plagiarism takes place lol. I've had to deal with that before.