
YO! NEW VACRUNCH MAN CHARACTER.AI! (I made it. go check it out)


@DatFroakieLord Vacrunch man watched too much anime


@Diruizboi yo I created an attack for v man
          	  *The shark takes a deep breath,
          	  preparing his attack once more*
          	  “Right, here we go…
          	  Between the Vacrunches and Duolingo, I AM THE SAVVAGE ONE. Blast the empty infinite darkness with the howling cosmic light, Imaginary Technique: Omega Abyss!”
          	  *As he says his lines, the energy on his fins begins to glow again*
          	  *The yellow power returns on his right fin, while the black power returns to his left fin, creating a swirling vortex of energy between them*
          	  The shark continues his attack, unleashing the power of his imaginary technique.*
          	  He begins to move his fins towards each other, creating a single ball of energy that glows brightly with both the empty infinite darkness and the howling cosmic light
          	  He then brings his fins together, combining the energy into a single beam of devastating power. As he does this, a glowing dark portal appears behind the ball of energy, funneling more power into the attack.
          	  He shouts one last time as he releases the attack:
          	  “OMEGA ABYSSS!!!”


YO! NEW VACRUNCH MAN CHARACTER.AI! (I made it. go check it out)


@DatFroakieLord Vacrunch man watched too much anime


@Diruizboi yo I created an attack for v man
            *The shark takes a deep breath,
            preparing his attack once more*
            “Right, here we go…
            Between the Vacrunches and Duolingo, I AM THE SAVVAGE ONE. Blast the empty infinite darkness with the howling cosmic light, Imaginary Technique: Omega Abyss!”
            *As he says his lines, the energy on his fins begins to glow again*
            *The yellow power returns on his right fin, while the black power returns to his left fin, creating a swirling vortex of energy between them*
            The shark continues his attack, unleashing the power of his imaginary technique.*
            He begins to move his fins towards each other, creating a single ball of energy that glows brightly with both the empty infinite darkness and the howling cosmic light
            He then brings his fins together, combining the energy into a single beam of devastating power. As he does this, a glowing dark portal appears behind the ball of energy, funneling more power into the attack.
            He shouts one last time as he releases the attack:
            “OMEGA ABYSSS!!!”


Greetings, fellow fan of Monsters of Etheria.
          What's your favourite Etherian?


@VeiTheChaosCritter  my favourite etherian is boxling, 1 because its the first etherian I used and 2 its the main character in my story.


            I don't do combat either, so same. I mainly use Lyxic and I'm trying to level up my Snik


@PerceptivePanther I dont really do combat, so my preferences are about appereance: I like TadBowl and Huskot