
My parents are taking all our passwords for literally EVERYTHING.
          	This may be the last time I post on here :/
          	Rip me


A friend of mine literally came out to me today!
          He was crying during lunch, so I had asked him what was going on, and after lunch ended, he told me he only trusted me and this other kid, and then he came out! 
          It was so cute, though, because for the remainder of the day, he was carrying around the mlm flag (it was a scribbled on paper) and I just-
          Good day so far


@Die_peasants Aww! That's cool!


this message may be offensive
My whole family sucks rn.
          My brother was saying how it's okay to call (femme presenting) people 'female's , so I told him that calling people just 'female's was dehumanizing and rude (considering not only cis people exist) 
          And he was being relentless y immovable, so I went to my mum to complain about it, and she fucking went 'well ALL WOMEN are females, so what's so wrong about it?? " and then she went on to justify my brother's argument- I just cannot today.


I caught covid! 
          Legitimately this time 
          This is fun


@Lowoki-- it's not terribly bad :) just like a bit of the flu


@Die_peasants Aw no :(
            I had it, and it was so mild that I almost didn't get tested- how bad is it for you?


            Kinda, yeah. You can still get vivid if you have the shot, it just reduces the chances of fatality.