
It’s been awhile, I’m in college now! (First year done! Woo!) I want to start updating more so I published a new a chapter of Sanare (My Teen Wolf fanfiction) if anyone is interested...


          Well it's no problem and no I haven't.  I'll have to check out some of her work.  I have been writing for about 3 to 4 years now.  That isn't very long but Im improving day by day. I have stories ontop of stories but I have only completed a couple.  I am a perfectionist when it comes to writing so I have a hard time posting anything if it isn't my absolute best.


@ToriShain Waw, thanks :) And I'm not even that good at putting emotions in my writing. Have you read anything by DistantDreamer? If there's anyone who can put emotion in their works, it's her. My favourite is the Awkward Love Song of Abigail Archer.
          How long have you been writing then? :)


          You've been writing for awhile then? That's cool!  And like I said before, your poems are very good. I like your style of writing because it is very raw and filled with lots of emotion.  I love that type of writing.  When people use there emotions to write a story or a poem tha'ts when it gets real for me.


@ToriShain Oh, I've been writing ever since I knew how to form sentences. And before that I've been drawing. I learned a lot through reading books, but I've only become serious about it once I discovered Wattpad, about a year ago. I was serious about it before, but I never had someone to share it with so yeah.
          And poetry isn't my thing either. Apparently I'm good at it, but I only ended up posting those poems because my friend liked them so much :) And I don't ever try to write them. It's like a spur of the moment and I write down 4 lines and then I stare at them and think "another one? What's it supposed to mean this time?" lol... they're very random... :)