
I AM NOT updating this week or next week due to high school finals. I have finals next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. But I might exempt a few of my classes but I don't know. Thursday of next week is my last day of school until senior year of next school year. I will try to update but no promises. I'll let you know, if anything else changes but for now. Bye, my Green Crystals!!! 


I AM NOT updating this week or next week due to high school finals. I have finals next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. But I might exempt a few of my classes but I don't know. Thursday of next week is my last day of school until senior year of next school year. I will try to update but no promises. I'll let you know, if anything else changes but for now. Bye, my Green Crystals!!! 


Dark Harry Potter Story will sadly be updated tomorrow. You will be getting a double update tomorrow. One of Dark Harry Potter and one of Aimicdeku.  I promise to update both of the stories that are mentioned in this message\comment tomorrow. Bye, my Green Crystals! Enjoy your morning, afternoon, evening or night!!


Here's my posting schedule. It will happen every other posting day so I don't have to worry about posting every day of the week: Sunday- Tlg, Monday- Merlin, Tuesday- Dark Harry Potter, Wednesday- Aimicdeku, Thursday- Afton Family, Friday-  Narnia once Merlin book is finished and Saturday- Free day or edit day on any book


I think I will put up a schedule of what book I'll publish on a certain day, because I know there are certain books I haven't updated recently. The schedule will be up later on my about page. If I don't update for some reason, its probably because I'm busy or haven't had time. I'll let y'all know if anything changes as to why I won't post or anything like that. Bye, my Green Crystals!  Queen Diamond Green Crystals , out.


Part 21 of my tlg story should be posted tomorrow, hopefully.


@musab7222211 I should be posting it tonight 


It’s my birthday today so I might post something 


@musab7222211 My birthday was a month ago but thanks I still appreciate it 


@gunnnerr My birthday was a month ago but thanks I still appreciate it 