
Time rushes by so fast. One moment I am there and another I am here, a completely different person, a completely different attire.


Bear an optimistic mind. I genuinely think that if you believe in something and if the conditions are there, it’ll come true. The Law of Attraction is merely one reference. 
          One of the reasons why I despise the idea of modern romance is this desire to want someone that “completes” you. There will never in your years of living be anyone who completes you. You can only complete yourself. 
          Never yearn for a twin flame or someone in a manner that will be on your mind constantly or make you whole. Because there is no such a thing. True love is about sacrifice, giving without expecting anything in return. 
          Soulmates are never toxic nor abusive. They will always help each other grow because both are nowhere near perfect. I use the word with the intention of optimism instead of following this “one-itis” epidemic. 
          Heck, I feel I’ll be great with relationship advice hahaha. <3 


Don’t get caught up in the minor things, excuses that you make for yourself. My best life was the life in which I was okay with imperfections. If there was one piece of advice I wished my younger self knew it would be: “Accept those imperfections because the things harming you the most are the perfections.” 
          And reading Wattpad romances isn’t going to make fantasies any more of reality than they are fiction. Escaping reality can only ever be temporary. Yet, dreams give us a powerful insight of our minds. We all dream of perfect things, a perfect life, a perfect companion when life itself isn’t perfect. We aren’t perfect. The irony is that in chasing perfection, we only find more imperfection. 
          So live life as it should be. Or with a scrutiny. Whatever it takes that makes you the happiest. Separate fiction from reality. 


Another year and I’m at the point in my life where I have still many gaps to fill and many others to make. Sometimes I’m afraid of stepping into the light and sometimes I want to race ahead without looking back because freedom is having the courage to do something out of the comfort zone. 
          I’ve been told I have a bold mind and this I cannot feel prouder of. Yet, even that boldness runs thin when faced with certain obstacles. 
          So I’m dreaming of a day where I feel the most elated I’ve ever been. A love-at-first-sight meeting. A revolutionary tackle of words. A time when I’m comforted by my own productivity. Perhaps reality is a little…boring but living in the present is the best thing anyone could do. Make your dreams a reality with the right conditions. 
          Want a dream man? Love yourself, work for a better lifestyle. 
          Want a legendary accomplishment? Work for it. 
          Want a time when you’re the happiest? Work for that too. 
          You will only attract what you release to the world. 


You know when you have an epiphany when you look back on your childhood memories? The big things replace the small things. And suddenly the small things that you thought were big things then weren’t big at all. It kind of makes me wonder if the struggles now are going to viewed in the future as impactful but fleeting. Or unnecessary. Does anything matter in the bigger picture? I guess it does, depending on what I’m looking at. 


Woah, I never thought about life like that before. You have a beautiful way with words <3


I’ve been told that I know how to describe my feelings in a way where people can understand and relate to them. And I couldn’t be happier. I guess over time I’ve gotten confident. There is nothing more beneficial than to share ideas and create deep bonds. I wish more knew that.