
Heyy, if you listen closely to the news, you might of heard of hurricane Maria hitting Puerto Rico. I live in Puerto Rico and this is hell right now. It's been 2 weeks. No electricity, no water, no phone service, so it's hard to get in touch with family. Well I just wanted to let you know that I'm ok. I'm alive. I won't be posting for a while but I'm still writing, I just don't have internet to post them so...yeah. I'm probably going to Texas for a few months cause there's no school and there's not much hospitals open for people, there's very little water, very little gasoline for the generators. There's huge lines for pretty much everything, even to get money in the atm machine. People waiting over night to get gasoline in the morning. This all sucks. But I'm ok. 


Heyy, if you listen closely to the news, you might of heard of hurricane Maria hitting Puerto Rico. I live in Puerto Rico and this is hell right now. It's been 2 weeks. No electricity, no water, no phone service, so it's hard to get in touch with family. Well I just wanted to let you know that I'm ok. I'm alive. I won't be posting for a while but I'm still writing, I just don't have internet to post them so...yeah. I'm probably going to Texas for a few months cause there's no school and there's not much hospitals open for people, there's very little water, very little gasoline for the generators. There's huge lines for pretty much everything, even to get money in the atm machine. People waiting over night to get gasoline in the morning. This all sucks. But I'm ok. 


Thx for the follow


@Dey_001  thx I'll continue but I do want to try writing a different style for a few chapters maybe. 


@afterneko707 I think you should continue writing your story like that. The more you write, the more you learn. And the more you read, the more easy is to learn. Find your own style of writing.


And I wanted to know if I should change the way I write the story 