
The next chapter of R&A is done! Sorry for the long wait!


So this has been in the back of my mind for a little while now and I want to actually talk about it.
          I honestly hate how Rehabilitate and Adapt is turning out. It drives me insane that my most viewed book is such a terrible example of my writing and it's been making it really hard to get more chapters out. For now, I'm going to try to edit it and get it to a point where I'm at least somewhat happy with it and then I'll plan out the last couple of chapters so I'm not just writing whatever comes to mind.
          Once I finish that I might try to do something with The War of Watchers, but I actually don't really remember what my plan for that was so I'm not sure what's going to happen with that.
          Also, since I seem to actually be able to consistently post art, if I turned The War of Watchers into a graphic novel/comic series/whatever you want to call it, would anyone read that?
          (Sorry if I don't respond to anything right away, it's getting late and I'd like to go to bed before midnight.)


@_Alesia_02 I'll start working on figuring out the plot soon


@Cramsalesman Thanks for understanding where I'm coming from. I'll definitely start editing soon so that I can work on actually finishing R&A and move on to my next story.


@Dewdrop_Ripple I would love to read it if you were to turn The War of Watchers into a comic thing


My friend (who doesn't watch Hermitcraft) used a skeleton skin, stole my door, and started calling herself the skeleton door thief. Grian would be proud.


@ Dewdrop_Ripple  Good, good, good(in Goat Father voice) 