
Hey When will you be updating your story? I liked it so far, Theres just two thinks i think you need to fix. 
          1. please stop with the double spacing and entering its rather annoying, that goes for cutting off each sentence, it's cool for paragraphing but not for every one to three sentences.
          2. Can you make your chapters as long as your last one? 
          and 3rd. When will you be updating again? after a month of being a fan if the author hasnt updated i remove them from my list of readables. No offence :)


          Check it out. I just started writing. This is my new story. Amour Assassins. It's about a girl named Atisha and her friends being forced to enroll to a special school. They didn't know that they are special. So they will be sent there to be trained to be a top well-known assassins. Drama and mayhem awaits them there.
          Please read and comment on it. I need harsh and nice comments so I can improve my mistakes.
          PLEASE & THANK YOU!!
          :] :] :]
          TiQ  <3


          Do you mind reading my story? Its called 'Cheating on my BF with my Hot Teacher' Here's a little summary of it: 
          Amy Lee Staurt is a follower, a sweet shy girl who does as she's ask, never once has she taken a chance in life in fear of messing up. She hangs out with the popular crowd in school after being pressured into it by her mom, she's a cheerleader, she has the best grades and her bf's in the football team. What else can a girl ask for? Then a new, attractive teacher comes to 'Mainesville High' and shows her the true meaning of 'LOVE'. 
          COMMENTS and VOTES and appreciated! =D