
Baa Baa black sheep,
          	Have you any wool?
          	Yes sir! Yes sir! Three bags, full.
          	One for my master, one for my dame;
          	And one for the little boy who lives down the lane.
          	An innocent nursery rhymes with a dark history behind. I have a question for you. Are you a black sheep of your family?


Greetings! I am Dulce Pavon and I am proud to say that this story is an entry in a writing contest I joined. Sadly, it didn't win. It's rank 11. I have changes in this version, more likely, I lengthen the story. I hope you enjoy reading it. My apologies if you ever read some clichés and jejemon parts. Well, I did my best.
          Support me and my future crafts, soon!
          I just published "Author's Note" of my story "The Black Sheep's Music".