
Thanks!! :) @isarosa41


Hey could you please check out my works? It would mean a Lot to me to got one decent read on my book. and im gonna go now and read some of you works . Thanks.x


Aw thanks for reading mine btw ;) Also, yes I'd be very happy to! I can't right now (its really late) but I will sometimes this week and if I don't get back to you in a couple of days, just remind me again! :)


F-FIVE THOUSAND READS?!?!? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT MEANS TO ME?! I-I can't. THE FEELS! ASDFGHJKL!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS AND IM SO SORRY ABOUT WRITER'S BLOCK! I'm so mad at school right now!! >:( BUT I LOVE YOU GUYS! EVERY SINGLE ON OF YOU! *Hugs* THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS HAPPEN!! I love you, I love you, I love you...did I mention I love you?! OH MY GOODNESSGRACIANIOUS!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! IT....I'm actually getting a little teary eyed. :')
          Just..thanks. Thats all I can really say. I'm pretty shocked.
          -Dez ;) 
          p.s Those are 46 hearts, representing all of my following that I love!