
Dear Readers,
          	It is with a heavy heart that we bring you this news. Due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts that have arisen, we regret to inform you that the writing of our book will be halted into the foreseeable future. 
          	Writing a book is a labor of love that requires time, dedication, and a harmonious alignment of numerous factors. Unfortunately, circumstances beyond our control have made it impossible for us to continue writing together now. While we understand the disappointment this may bring, we believe it is crucial to prioritize the quality and integrity of our work.
          	Rest assured that we have not taken this decision lightly. We remain committed to our shared vision, and we hope that someday, the stars will align, allowing us to revisit and complete the story we set out to tell.
          	We extend our deepest gratitude for your support, encouragement, and engagement throughout this journey. Your presence has been a constant source of inspiration for us. 
          	For now, we hope the characters and worlds we have introduced in our story will continue to resonate in your hearts and minds. May the love for literature and storytelling thrive in your lives as it does in ours.
          	The Authors of Desired Prey


Dear Readers,
          It is with a heavy heart that we bring you this news. Due to unforeseen scheduling conflicts that have arisen, we regret to inform you that the writing of our book will be halted into the foreseeable future. 
          Writing a book is a labor of love that requires time, dedication, and a harmonious alignment of numerous factors. Unfortunately, circumstances beyond our control have made it impossible for us to continue writing together now. While we understand the disappointment this may bring, we believe it is crucial to prioritize the quality and integrity of our work.
          Rest assured that we have not taken this decision lightly. We remain committed to our shared vision, and we hope that someday, the stars will align, allowing us to revisit and complete the story we set out to tell.
          We extend our deepest gratitude for your support, encouragement, and engagement throughout this journey. Your presence has been a constant source of inspiration for us. 
          For now, we hope the characters and worlds we have introduced in our story will continue to resonate in your hearts and minds. May the love for literature and storytelling thrive in your lives as it does in ours.
          The Authors of Desired Prey


Book 2: New Chapter(s)
          The Return is here and in TWO chapters!
          Dawn and Veron struggle with their new dynamic as they get trapped in a storm of magic and emotion. 
          Will they ever return to how they used to be, or will Veron keep his secrets? 
          Continue reading to find out!


Book 2: New chapter released. 
          Veron meets with the Elders on his last night of punishment and finds out about Dawn and Kieran’s growing companionship.
          Lily meets with Dawn, worried about her memories, and brings some visions to the surface that will make the Elf question all she is fighting for.


I was looking for the updates of book 2 and I stumbled upon your description. Wow, you are in ur late 20’s. This is inspiring for me. I started writing as hobby at 16 really thinking I’m kinda old to start writing.
          I know, stupidity of mine. But right now I just think I’m still a baby especially in this world. Sometimes I consider waiting until I have enough experience. Maybe my late 20s would be better


@iamnot_amachine We appreciate your encouragement and support! 
            You have the power to go beyond your limits! We believe in you!


@DesiredPrey u r lucky to have each other. Writing solo is good because u can “control” every aspect of the book, but in duo u can motivate one another when exhaustion happens and complement each other’s idea which is amazing. Also, it makes ur friendship more profound.
            About confidence, yes, u r totally right. Writing is an exhausting activity because it requires confidence from the author. In my case, I like to think that I’m writing for me and that, no matter the result, I will still love this world in my head. The real goal is transmitting this world to others, not “writing the perfect book”
            aaand finally(Jesus , I’m writing a big text here, sorry) u are gonna succeed on publishing desired prey. It’s the kind of theme that ppl enjoy, and I’m sure readers will ship Dawn and Veron as well as I’m doing right now. 


@iamnot_amachine Always start with confidence even if it is a lie at first because you can only impress yourself!
             Like family! We actually have become next-door neighbors now and never thought we would jump back into that universe but one night of going through old writing we got inspired. Notebook 1 which is 100 pages took us 2 full books to meet lol we are so excited to see where it goes. We wanna reach a goal before hiring an editor to do a full publish.