
sus traitor right here


@Idareyoutofollowme Oh yes temporarily taking away the “member” status and giving him a kind of slave one that implies playing the role of Nebula’s teddy bear for a while , hi teddy bear @DescryingTheNightEye 


Dear Everly 
          You probably don’t know me but I can assure my intentions are good 
          I want you to leave the Elis society , trust me , they will bring you nothing good , I’m gonna show you how it works 
          First they look for people mentally stable and make them think they are crazy 
          Secondly they give them home and treat them well
          And once they are accustomed to that life ,they just throw it to a trash can as if nothing had occurred 
          That’s what they did to me , everything was pretty fine when ErtusMKIII was around , but when it got acquired and rebranded to TES ,things only got worse 
          Now it is managed by a bunch of idiots ,basically a tyrant called Elis and his girl called Peace , even little Nebula keeps calling him a tyrant (although she only says it due to cookies) and no one does nothing 
          So , this might be shocking but , are you willing to join us and help us combat them? Or do you want to stay as them till they leave you? 
          The choice is yours , but note that this is the last chance I’m giving you 
          Enemy or Allie? 


@AttackersOnTheLoose Well I'm here to keep you from attacking yourself~


@Idareyoutofollowme I … really need to stop creating email accounts and to stop trying to attack myself lmao 


Oooo theme >>>


@Idareyoutofollowme (facepalms) I almost pmed myself thinking it was you…


Hi !!


@Idareyoutofollowme yep , guess I can try my best but I will never be able to go unnoticed hehe 