
Y'allllll what is goin' on!?!?! I saw that a few people really wanted a Kitten update so  tried to deliver! It's kinda short so I hope I made up for it in the feels. Also, I just published the beginning to that pirate story. I ended up making it a Harry story cause I literally can't control myself and I just absolutely adore him. Hopefully both are to your all's liking and please like or comment. I know it may seem silly but to someone like me with really bad motivational problems, a like or some constructive criticism gives me that little push I need to keep going. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!! ((((((:


Y'allllll what is goin' on!?!?! I saw that a few people really wanted a Kitten update so  tried to deliver! It's kinda short so I hope I made up for it in the feels. Also, I just published the beginning to that pirate story. I ended up making it a Harry story cause I literally can't control myself and I just absolutely adore him. Hopefully both are to your all's liking and please like or comment. I know it may seem silly but to someone like me with really bad motivational problems, a like or some constructive criticism gives me that little push I need to keep going. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy!! ((((((:


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I literally haven't posted/updated shit in FOREVER. My bad everyone. Just updated The Risen. I am working on a pirate story and I was thinking of making it about one of the guys. Just curious if anyone would be interested in reading it. And if so, which guy would you like to be the main focus? Lemme know if you all are interested (((((:


Can you update kitten ? So happy you’re back, hope all is well (: 


i’m very interested! maybe niall or louis?  or liam hahah. i’ve missed you so much! so glad you’re back:) 