
French fries, I have some sad news.
          	I am grounded until May 24th.
          	I cannot write. I cannot comment.
          	I cannot even watcheth television.
          	I may only listen to music when doing a task.
          	I'll be back on line on my mom's birthday (May 25th) or slightly after that.
          	Love you, my sweet potatoes.
          	Potato, out.


Please, come to my conversations and find anyone on there if you need help with su!cidal thoughts/intentions. 
          I can't be online much this summer, but anyone on my conversations will help you if you ever need it. We are a community and family on there.


French fries, I have some sad news.
          I am grounded until May 24th.
          I cannot write. I cannot comment.
          I cannot even watcheth television.
          I may only listen to music when doing a task.
          I'll be back on line on my mom's birthday (May 25th) or slightly after that.
          Love you, my sweet potatoes.
          Potato, out.


i have recently fell in love with this song:
          I'm 2 days into college and i'm 3 lectures behind
          There's this guy, let's name him colin
          He said he wants to be mine 
          but id doesn't really sit with me quite right 
          cause he doesn't really like the things i like 
          and i keep accidently locking myself out of my dorm in the middle of the night


but my fav part is:
            Everybody's telling me that i'm doing so well
            I try to trust them honestly, i find it hard to tell
            If i need work
            or i need rest
            i try my best
            to try my best
            i tell myself,
            i say out loud:
            "it's fine. i'll figure it all out."
            I tend to forget
            i'm still only quite young
            In a way, this life of mine has only just begun,
            i've got time
            i've got time


I used to float, now I just fall down
          I used to know, but I'm not sure now
          What I was made for
          What was I made for?
          Taking a drive, I was an ideal
          Looked so alive, turns out I'm not real
          Just something you paid for
          What was I made for?
          'Cause I, I
          I don't know how to feel
          But I want to try
          I don't know how to feel
          But some day I might
          Some day I might
          When did it end?
          All the enjoyment
          I'm sad again
          Don't tell my boyfriend
          It's not what he's made for
          What was I made for?


this message may be offensive
Hey guys.
          I have depression. Specifically su!cidal depression. I just, I don't want to be in a world where my dad treats me like shit and my friends are all fake and everyone I love hates me.
          Breathe, this is not a su!cide note. I am not going to act on it. If I do, I'll tell you guys before I go.
          Please, don't call the police, I'm fine. I just need time to think.
          My parents think I'm doing this for attention, so of course they won't get me a therapist. 
          For now, I'll just listen to "What Was I Made For?" by Billie Eilish on repeat.
          I'll try writing a little, for you guys.
          And now I will go into my depressed potato mode. :)
          Later skaters,
          - @DepressedPotato89 AKA ManyFandomsLover89


this message may be offensive
@DepressedPotato89 hey hey you can talk to me alright? come visit my mb/conversations anytime you want. listen i'm going through some serious shit as well so ik how it feels can talk to me anytime you want alr? <3


“If everyone at your school loves Taylor swift
          And you do too, you're special. The 99%
          Who like her will hate me.
          But if you are that 1% who doesn't follow the 
          Crowd copy and paste this on your profile“
          Haha early I saw this on your profile and I started laughing. I’m obsessed with Taylor Swift, but the funny thing is is that people at school believe me for it and I only know like one real swiftie at my school like everyone hates me for it they only tell me fake stuff about her and it’s like so annoying, so yeah, it’s actually the opposite for me 
          lmao I’m sad


*bully me for it* not believe me for it 