
Hello beautiful followers! I wanted to thank you guys so much for the increase in views on my stories over the last few days! *knocks on wood* Just to be sure I don't jinx it.
          	The 9th book of the WOAF series has just started being written, and this story will be a tiny bit longer than the others (by only a few chapters maybe). 
          	Hey hey, you guys want a spoiler? If not, stop reading. If you do, then just continue XD
          	After 4 months of beings a hero, Averi is finally gonna get a chance to see her pack again as the Titans surprise her with a week long trip to her home planet. This is where I need your help, I have the main conflict in mind, but if you guys have any suggestions or requests for what you want to see in Averi's home, please feel free to share!
          	If you want to see Hellhound fights, a Moonlight Cavern party, a certain moment between 2 characters, or any other scene you can think of, then feel free to comment on any one of my stories with your idea! Just tell me the idea is for book 9 so I'm not confused XD
          	I will work hard to try and get it done, and I hope that this book will turn out as great as the others did.
          	Until next time!


          	  I know this is a weird thing to suggest, but try to throw in a battle between packs. East vs West or North vs West. Make it as bloody and gruesome as you can. They're Werewolves for heaven's sake. Love WOAF by the way. I look forward to future updates.


I found you from instagram and YOURE AMAZING AT ART AAAAND WRITING?!?!?!?!? *bows down to you* please teach me, o' goddess 


AHHH HI GLAD YOU FOUND ME!! Thank you for liking my work  I actually just recently got confident enough to try drawing a lot of my OCs for the first time, and it’s amazinggg! Best thing I can say is just keep pushing yourself and you’ll be surprised at what you can do ✌️


According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyways. Because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.
          have a gay day ;) 


Hi! I just finished reading your Haikyuu fanfic and it was awesome! I know you haven't been updating for like a couple of months now but I really hope that you would continue the date between you-know-who  Of all the haikyuu fanfic that I've read here in wattpad, so far yours had blown me away  Please update Author-san  just the date of you-know-who and I'm contented 


Hey, I know that you are busy but I have an idea for WOAF. It sounds stupid, but how about a spiritual vision thing from her mom or Sham Ra. Then a magical moment between Jason and Averi. Great job on the story. Hopefully a sequel will come our way?


I have always considered bringing her mother or Shan Ra into the story, because they did play such big parts in her life that the story doesn't cover. What kind of spiritual visions do you mean, and when do you think they should come into play. I think it should be when Averi needs some kind of help that her friends can't give her. Also what kind of magical moment do you think can happen between Jason and Averi? I really like the idea of that. I'm glad your enjoying the story, I may not work on it as much, but there is one last chapter to add to the 9th and I already have an idea for the 10th. I know, so many books XD  