
My story "Awakening of the Itrigiach" successfully made it through round 1 of the Open Novella Contest! Please feel free to give it a read and leave any kind of feedback!❤


Wow, it's been a while since I said anything here!  
          Anyway, I just wanna announce I'm gonna try to enter another competition called the Open Novella Contest 2020!
          I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish the story to actually get far enough in the competition. But if you would at least read the prologue and first chapter and leave me some feedback, I would really appreciate it so much! Thoughts on my grammar, the story, even just whether it seems interesting or not would be very helpful! Thanks and love ya all!
          Heres the link:


Thanks 4 considering my story


I hope you like it


@JeanangelieVazquez  no problem. I actually loved the game, and its hard to find stories about it. So when i find one I'm always willing to give it a chance. 


Hey Savannah! (Awesome name :D)
          I don't really hear many people with your name, or one like it around here, which is cool - unlike mine, it's used too much D: (Ashley)
          I'd like to thank yah for adding my Hobbit fanfic What Once Was Lost Book 1 to your reading list! 
          It honestly made my day, and I really needed it right now! So thank you once again 
          - Lithôniel (Ashley), Element-Of-Dreams


@Element-Of-Dreams glad my small gesture could make your day even the slightest bit better! And you may not here my name a lotwhere you are, bit where I am I hear my name all the time because it is also the name of a city. Lol 


Hallo (again)  thanks for the vote! And awesome profile, its awesome on how many things you support! I got bullied through 1st-7th grade (until I got homeschooled) it really, really, really stinks!! But, in the end it makes you who you are. If I hadn't been put through that crapola, I wouldn't be the woman I am today!
          Keep on being awesome, and supporting things - not many do!  (at least around here :/)
          -Lithoniel (Ashley), Element-Of-Dreams


Hey! ☺ I stopped by to thank yah for adding my Hobbit fanfic, What Once Was Lost to your reading list :D. I have a Pottermore...but forgot my username & password. ._. I really should make a new one, that I think about it. What's changed on that site? Have you tried the every flavor beans? I got some one x-mas xD (my dog ended up stealing some..)
          Anyway~ lol
          Thank you!
          - Lithôniel (Ashley)


Thanks for adding my book love 


@slimshady1996  I have more fast and furious books hope you enjoy reading them 