Are you ever going to continue your eustass kid Zoan story I’m just really invested and I hope you continue the story.
Reading Lists
Several new stories have been published along with others being scheduled to automatically publish for this week AND the next 2 weeks. I have more to look over and schedule to be published, so be on the look out if you need something new to read! Some of these stories have been in my drafts for YEARS. Some, as newly thought of and written as of a week ago! So there will be plenty to read! Be sure to give me your thoughts! I’ll be using that to know which ones to try to keep up on! And once all these are settled, I will be going to Soldier’s and other formerly published stories to ensure they get the love they’ve unfortunately lacked and had been neglected with on my end. Thank you to those that read this entirety and to those that have followed me from my first published part to my newest part! It means a lot more to me than you may ever know.
Are you ever going to continue your eustass kid Zoan story I’m just really invested and I hope you continue the story.
Several new stories have been published along with others being scheduled to automatically publish for this week AND the next 2 weeks. I have more to look over and schedule to be published, so be on the look out if you need something new to read! Some of these stories have been in my drafts for YEARS. Some, as newly thought of and written as of a week ago! So there will be plenty to read! Be sure to give me your thoughts! I’ll be using that to know which ones to try to keep up on! And once all these are settled, I will be going to Soldier’s and other formerly published stories to ensure they get the love they’ve unfortunately lacked and had been neglected with on my end. Thank you to those that read this entirety and to those that have followed me from my first published part to my newest part! It means a lot more to me than you may ever know.
Originally planned for this week to start spam posting from my drafts, but that will be pushed at least a week at this time. Watching my niece and nephew takes priority. But I do have quite a few ready for the spam posting. Haven't decided if I will post more than one a day or every other day, but they will start to be posted in (hopefully) the coming week. Fanfics from One Piece, My Hero Academia, D.Grey-Man, Jujutsu Kaisen, Fire Force, Demon Slayer, Naruto, Transformers (Between Prime and Earthspark), Resident Evil (animated version), The Walking Dead, Teen Wolf, etc. With the amount, I may do some one week, take a break to continue edits/writing if time permits, then resume spam posting the next week. We shall see. For all we know, I may just spam all in one day. Who knows. For now, be on the lookout for those in the very near future. Once I've spam posted all I have ready to more-less post, I will focus back on the ones formerly posted, between Soldiers, Team Akatsuki, etc.
Thinking of spam publishing a bunch of fics I have in my drafts. Majority has a couple chapters, but a good many has at minimum 10 chapters. I wasn't going to post until I had at least an image for each part and was sure of where I wanted stories to go, but maybe by publishing them, I can get some ideas from your comments on them. If you all would like me to spam publish, especially any with 10+ parts, let me know pls! Most also has a Character Description so if you don't care for spoilers or would like to see just how much I put into each character, that's the first part that'll be published! If you don't like spoilers, you can simply skip to the next part and come back to it if you'd like to read more then! If you want, I could even make a story of just a clean slate template for character creation of any suggested universe. Such universes could be One Piece, My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, Transformers, Etc. First to suggest shall get shout outs, if multiple suggest the same about the same time before I publish it, I'll shout out all!
@Lunaressa_Oceana Thank you for the agreement on the spam publishing. I may come up with an idea of which ones to post first in this coming week as long as nothing takes up my free time, then begin doing so as time permits.
I very likely will here soon. Maybe within the next week/month. Perhaps a story or two a day, what I have written, to give me time to do last minute grammar checks/make sure it has a cover page in the least. I get story ideas faster than I can write them. My drafts have about 130, give or take, and that’s of the ones I’ve actually made a story with intentions of writing some form of chapters. I have one also to separate the ideas of different universes so I can write things down before I can forget.
Like the spamming part is a good idea, then you can figure out which books get the most attention and focus on those if they aren’t completed yet ^.^
Are you still active?
Thanks! I’ll be honest, what’s currently published is like a small fraction of all the story ideas I got started in my drafts lol.
@DemonPredaqueen that'll be great! No rush, whenever you're free (灬º‿º灬)♡
Nice to meet you. You have tons of awesome stories that it's hard to decide on which one to read first, lol
Thank you for adding my book to your library! I really appreciate it <3
Can you please make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories of Transformers Movies Series Combo Set Stories for Soldiers
I hope to soon, no promises at this time, as much has been going on irl that takes priority, but when chapters get updated for grammar edits and such, it will likely be sooner to then.
Crystal Rose Katherine Witwicky is US Army Ranger rank First Lieutenant and rest squad mates help form Non-biological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty (NEST) between was set up under William Lennox to create a combined Human/Autobotdefense force fighting against Decepticons Under the classified Alien/Autobot Cooperation Act, the Autobots share intelligence and personnel with the US, but not their advanced weaponry NEST is given marching orders from the Pentagon, specifically the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Morshower in 2008–9). Despite this and its American origins, it expanded early on to include armed forces from other nations such as the United Kingdom and is allowed access to foreign territory. At some point it came under the command of General Marcus after Egypt military missions operations have feeling future events will effect Non-biological Extraterrestrial Species Treaty (NEST) Human/Autobot alliance between will end Battle of Chicago or Battle of New York City NEST Soldiers and Autobots try end invasion Decepticons military forces aftermath NEST program is replaced with Cemetery Wind is revealed is corrupt organization another Several former members of NEST such as Morshower and William Lennoxhave been included in the new Transformers Reaction Force. Seeing as how NEST's old base at the Pentagon is being used, it is likely that NEST was reactivated, though it appears to have been restricted to UCAV and general surveillance operations Combo Set Stories for Soldiers
I really hope you continue the darkness within us
Think I got a problem...... I got at least 40 different story ideas and that's JUST for the One Piece universe, both canon & au timelines. Most of which I've dotted down beginning events, but idk what to do after what I've jotted down. And the ones I have started to type, I don't know what to do after my ideas are finally written... Which ones would you be interested in seeing sooner than later? Modern AUs or Regular timeline? Which canon characters? Kid, Killer, Law, Zoro? I've also got ideas for OCs being Law's sister, Luffy's sister, and Nami's brother, but idk who to pair them with if at all... What would you all be interested in seeing in the CLOSE future? Planning at least 10 parts to have written at least for 1st publish day of story. Would you also expect detailed character information (w/ or w/out spoilers)? If not in story, published separately with other characters I've made-will make?
Thank you for the follow.
@SugarxCyanide Of course! I'm enjoying your story, In Chains, so far! I try following the authors of the books I read, especially when their stories are so good that I can't stop reading!
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