
Heyo, guess whos returned for a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FANDOM? That's right, My Hero Academia has claimed me and my writer's mind. I am now officially in the most toxic fandom on the internet :))


wait why did you delete your alastor book?


Dude—trust me. I wrote this book a while ago, and I used to have an editor, but they dropped off the face of the planet. I am verrrrry aware that I couldn’t use proper grammar to save my life. Luckily I’m in the process of rewriting it lmao :)


Sorry for being absent, most of my writing effort is now going into the Syrian civil war essays I have to write and the middle east. (thank you global), so I was curious about how many of you lived there and there's actually a few. Yall in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait... were having a FEILD DAY in global about your countries. I'm sure you guys are too, about the USA. #ourcountriesareenimies


I highly appreciate your profile picture, just gonna put that out there.


Haha, no worries at all. But of course!


@GirlGoneTwisted  this is a late response but lmao thanks for putting that out there


Sorry for being gone for so long my hellish followers ;(, but I had lost my spark for writing in this brutal fandom. True apologies, but I think I'm done for with my newest story (my red-tinted reflection) The pilot was...spectacular, and I'd love to rewrite "You're The Bastard That Killed me" to fit it canonically. Id love to rewrite the whole story, actually...maybe with a lot more slow burn. I really jumped the gun with a literal murderer falling in love, huh? Let me know my lovelies! - Emma


@DeluxeYoyos Hello! I believe that the book is amazigly well written. If you want to rewrite it go for it! But just as Quesionmarking said you don't have to rewrite it if you truly don't want to, no one is pressuring you to do so. And btw... I love your profile picture!


@DeluxeYoyos i would lije yoy to remake it, only of you want thoygh


@questionmarking  aw thanks so much, I’m honored it’s one of your favorites! And it’s true, forcing words on a page is absolutely the worst way to go about it so thank you :)