
The walk of shame as you walk back into your room with food <<<<<<<<


HAPPY BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH!!!!! This is the month we're we spread awareness of those who have breast cancer, had breast cancer, and of those who has lost someone to breast cancer.
          I lost my aunt to breast cancer 4 years ago. She died in October as well. Her favorite holiday was Halloween, which she never got to see one last time. She would be 46 this year.
          I want everyone to know that you are not alone, be aware that there are resources that can get you connected to somebody to talk to if needed. Please spend time with your loved ones, and tell the you love them before it's too late. 
          Happy Breast Cancer Awareness month!


          His ex was so pretty. Her hair was long and as bright as the sun. Her facial features had no flaws. Her figure was slim, and had no blemishes, no scars. She was tall, and her skin was pale. She seemed popular, and looked to have many friends. 
          Why did he get with me? I'm nothing like her. My hair is dark, short, and has awful curls. I have ache scars littering my face. I'm fat, and have scars here and there. I'm short and stubby, and my skin is an ugly dark tanned color. I'm not popular, I have a few friends. And to top it all off, I act weirdly and differently. Most definitely in ways she wouldn't have acted. 
          And her sense of fashion? It's beautiful.  She can do her makeup perfectly. Her clothes fit her like a glove. And her style is so trendy and fashionable.
          I don't know the first thing about make up. I can only put on mascara since it's the easiest thing to do. I can't wear that many different types of clothes. I either can't put an outfit together, or it looks horrible on me. She can wear crop tops, and I can't or else my fat will show.
          Her name is also way more beautiful than mine. Her name sounds elegant, and special. Mine name is not. Mine sounds weird, and gross.
          I feel like I should lose weight for him, even though he says I'm perfect the way I am. That's hard to believe though, when I'm his first bigger girlfriend. 
          Is he not embarrassed to be seen with me? I'd look down in shame if I was dating myself. I look at the other girls, faces with make up, slender figures and wearing cute clothes. I only have mascara on. I look down at myself, and I'm wearing a sweater and jeans. Everything in my brain is telling me to lose weight, but I don't want to relapse, not again. But I feel like he might be happier if I lost weight. But I don't want to burden him with my issues if he finds out. Why can't I just be pretty?


@I-am-lonley you're right <3. Everybody is perfect in their own ways, but sometimes it can be hard to see that ourselves.


@Dekusbellybuttonlint i relate to the is sm darling. Were both perfect tho. He's dating you for a reason. Ypu shouldn't have to change yourself for some 


Sorry, just a vent. I had to get it off my chest


this message may be offensive
Remembering that one time I was in 2nd grade and liked this one boy in my class. He was sick, and I wanted to make a joke with the word "sick". He sneezed, and I turned around and said, "you sicken me"... he told on me and I was fucking embarrassed to hell and back


@Dekusbellybuttonlint i just burned a person in my class so bad, the whole class laughed at him #Savage lmfao


@Dekusbellybuttonlint cause i hate her duh
            she deserved It hehe