
Hewo my fellow readers ! I have good news for you : I told my parents that I needed to update my stories, and they agreed to let me use my PC again, well only for writing, but that's none of your concern. Anyways, I CAN UPDATE AGAIN ! I'll mostly focus on my wakfu/BNHA crossover, cause I'm not that motivated anymore in the reaction story, and my helpful hero story is downright ignored. So yeah, to those who like my crappy warp hero story, you're welcome, I guess. I'll try to update soon. See y'all (Y'ALL-) next time. Bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals !


Hewo my fellow readers ! I have good news for you : I told my parents that I needed to update my stories, and they agreed to let me use my PC again, well only for writing, but that's none of your concern. Anyways, I CAN UPDATE AGAIN ! I'll mostly focus on my wakfu/BNHA crossover, cause I'm not that motivated anymore in the reaction story, and my helpful hero story is downright ignored. So yeah, to those who like my crappy warp hero story, you're welcome, I guess. I'll try to update soon. See y'all (Y'ALL-) next time. Bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals !


Hewo my fellow readers ! I have bad news for you : I'M A KID (DUN DUN DUN !) and my parents grounded me cause I had a bad grade. So, no PC, no phone, no games, nothing. Until summer break. So, so sorry to everyone. As soon as I'm ungrounded, I'll update. Until then, bye guys, gals, and non-binary pals !


@DekUwU_is_kawaii  Dang I was looking forward to the story where deku has wakfu also how long are you grounded for???