
          	First of all:
          	I would like to apologize to all of you (the few who read me, for whom I am grateful) for not writing and posting something for so, so long.
          	I won't go into details of why, since it's beside the point, but one of the reasons was a move at the end of 2022, for which I was without internet for almost 3 months.
          	Of course, this does not mean that I have stopped writing, just that I have not published anything, in fact I have many, many stories planned, of which 1 is complete and I plan to publish this month, another that only has 3-4 complete chapters. And many with a moderately written plot.
          	One thing to warn you about: If I publish a story, it is already finished or mostly finished. Why? This way I don't leave them months or years waiting for an update, which may never happen.
          	Again, I apologize so much for not being more active last year.


          	  Thank you very much for understanding!
          	  I promise that this month (At least) chapter 1 of "Low Tide, High Tide" KNY story (Kimetsu No Yaiba) focused on Tomioka Giyuu will be published.


@DeidadNeftis It's alright don't worry !
          	  After all your life isn't only wattpad you have your own personal life and if your fans are real fans they can way as long as you need before you publish a story<3
          	  Don't worry don't pressure yourself on trying to post and take your time we'll be here waiting !


          First of all:
          I would like to apologize to all of you (the few who read me, for whom I am grateful) for not writing and posting something for so, so long.
          I won't go into details of why, since it's beside the point, but one of the reasons was a move at the end of 2022, for which I was without internet for almost 3 months.
          Of course, this does not mean that I have stopped writing, just that I have not published anything, in fact I have many, many stories planned, of which 1 is complete and I plan to publish this month, another that only has 3-4 complete chapters. And many with a moderately written plot.
          One thing to warn you about: If I publish a story, it is already finished or mostly finished. Why? This way I don't leave them months or years waiting for an update, which may never happen.
          Again, I apologize so much for not being more active last year.


            Thank you very much for understanding!
            I promise that this month (At least) chapter 1 of "Low Tide, High Tide" KNY story (Kimetsu No Yaiba) focused on Tomioka Giyuu will be published.


@DeidadNeftis It's alright don't worry !
            After all your life isn't only wattpad you have your own personal life and if your fans are real fans they can way as long as you need before you publish a story<3
            Don't worry don't pressure yourself on trying to post and take your time we'll be here waiting !


          Primero que todo:
          Me gustaria disculparme con todos ustedes (los pocos que me leen, por los cuales estoy agradecida) por no escribir y publicar algo durante tanto, tanto tiempo.
          No entrare en detalles del porque, ya que no viene al caso, pero una de las razones fue una mudanza a finales de 2022, por la cual estuve casi 3 meses sin internet.
          Claro, esto no significa que haya dejado de escribir, solo que no haya publicado nada, de hecho tengo muchas, muchas historias planeadas, de las cuales 1 esta completa y pienso publicar este mes, otra que solo tiene 3 -4 capitulos completos. Y muchas con la trama medianamente escrita.
          Una cosa de la que advertirles: Si publico una historia, esta ya esta terminada o mayormente terminada ¿Por que? asi no los dejo meses o años esperando por una actualización, que puede no ocurrir nunca.
          De nuevo, me disculpo mucho por no haber sido mas activa el año pasado.


Happy late birthday !
          Sorry TvT


@DeidadNeftis No problem ! And don't worry it's fine ^^


            Thank you for congratulating me!
            PS: I am very sorry for not having answered sooner.
            ps2: My English is bad, so I use a translation for any errors found.