I am Bailey. I decided that my little ideas I come up with (That drive me nuts because I can't draw them) should become stories. So ya, here I am. And therefore, you're reading this to learn more, right? Well shit ok. 

I am a man.
I like all manner of undead and supernatural things
I'm a massive nerd that plays games.
I have three ocs. It seems to be expanding very slowly, but it won't ever go into double digits.

The first is Avvelyn, a WWII solider who is now a zombie (and yes, Avvelyn is a Dark Souls reference to a crossbow. Fuck getting that thing) and she works for the Mayan god of decay, Ah Puch. More on this at 11.

The other oc is a vampire named Dayna. She's a little nutty (and by that I just mean sorta voices in head. It'll make sense eventually I swear) and is from the 900s. She's also a jester because fuck it.

Uh I have a lizard. Yeah. Lizard. It's an Argonian I made on ESO that I was like "Hey why not" so I included her into the Dead Devour series. There's a decent amount to talk about here so I'll just move on.

Fuck. Credentials. Forgot those.

Am 16
Am semi tall
Live in disclosed military location
I have a lot of lady friends...I'm straight I swear
My favorite food is shrimp. You don't care but fuck you.
I'm interested in death, insanity, the way the world works, and other shit that is considered edgy. I'm saying considered because people on the internet have fucking tainted those mindsets. So before I get edgy things: I'm aware.

So yeah. That's it. Now go away. No hard feelings. WAIT I DIDNT MEAN THAT LOVE ME DAM-
  • JoinedDecember 2, 2017
