
I am. Haha. Now anyway. :P


I just found a bookmark you made long time ago that said read this Slave and it brought back alot of memories. I will be waiting for you to finish this awesome story


@SirPantsyBear hey, you should send me a picture of that. I never knew anyone was still waiting for this story. I've got it here, fully completed, but after I finished I wanted it to be better. I can't post it now, my standards have gone up and I've lost my inspiration. I hope someday to be able to rewrite it and post it for people like you who maybe want to read it. If you want I can send you the old version of the book. Hopefully someday I will find my artistic passion again. It's still in there. It's just buried under a lot of crap. Thank you for showing me that you still care, it really means a lot. I look forward to the day I finish the remade, better, version of My Night Sky. Don't worry, it's never forgotten. You're never forgotten either, even tho I do forget many many things these days. I don't have control over what I forget, but I would truly appreciate a picture of the bookmark so I can fully remember. There is a vague memory there, and I'm glad that isn't gone, so I'd love to see it. Thank you again for showing me that someone cares about my characters, there's so much of me in them that I never fully understood or saw when originally writing it, so it really means a lot to have someone care for them and their story as much as I do.


Thanks for the follow!! ❤❤


@BubblePirate No problem! I saw your comments on DIMBFF and DIMBFFLAD and I thought you were hilarious. :P Thanks for the follow back!