
UPDATE: Website hiatus and site changes
          	Date: 6.29.15
          	Author: DeathHelix
          	Hello, everyone. After a month of debating and skepticism in my mind, I have decided that I will be taking a break from Wattpad. No, not a break from writing, but the entire website itself. I want to explore on other online writing sites on the internet. It's really tiring using the same site all the time - a site that is highly popular now- and I want to share on other sites that need credit too because they are well developed.  I have ideas for books that I am willing to share, but I want to share them in a different environment as well.
          	 I thought I would like Wattpad's "upgrade" layout, but every time I use the working station on the Desktop version, it makes me cringe because I cannot see what the side buttons mean. Like, seriously, they are just plain side buttons with no symbols or anything! 
          	Sorry for babbling, but yes, I will be taking a break from Wattpad. I will regularly check up on everything on here and see how everything is going. I will notify you all here and there to make sure you all know that I am still alive. I may share books on here, but I do not know considering I am taking a break from this site. 
          	Jeez, this is a completely unorthodox post.  
          	I'm sorry that I am leaving this site for a bit but it feels necessary.  I hope you all have a wonderful remainder of summer break: have fun, stay safe, and stay hydrated through this spicy season!
          	Stay awesome senpais', 


UPDATE: Website hiatus and site changes
          Date: 6.29.15
          Author: DeathHelix
          Hello, everyone. After a month of debating and skepticism in my mind, I have decided that I will be taking a break from Wattpad. No, not a break from writing, but the entire website itself. I want to explore on other online writing sites on the internet. It's really tiring using the same site all the time - a site that is highly popular now- and I want to share on other sites that need credit too because they are well developed.  I have ideas for books that I am willing to share, but I want to share them in a different environment as well.
           I thought I would like Wattpad's "upgrade" layout, but every time I use the working station on the Desktop version, it makes me cringe because I cannot see what the side buttons mean. Like, seriously, they are just plain side buttons with no symbols or anything! 
          Sorry for babbling, but yes, I will be taking a break from Wattpad. I will regularly check up on everything on here and see how everything is going. I will notify you all here and there to make sure you all know that I am still alive. I may share books on here, but I do not know considering I am taking a break from this site. 
          Jeez, this is a completely unorthodox post.  
          I'm sorry that I am leaving this site for a bit but it feels necessary.  I hope you all have a wonderful remainder of summer break: have fun, stay safe, and stay hydrated through this spicy season!
          Stay awesome senpais', 


In response to SabiElectric, it's really good to hear different perspectives about the series and its future! Yes, I completely agree with you. In the first book, the plot seemed a bit weak and now I feel like it was going up and down with irrelevant events. Grammar on the other hand, I was astonished with the way it was produced. I know I have good grammar, but of course I was too worried about getting the job done, and publishing the chapter right after writing.
          That my friend is a very big no-no. 
          I feel so embarrassed by the way I created that story for the whole world to see. I now know my weaknesses, and this time I will fight them! 
          Also, after a few days of brainstorming, I have concluded that I will rewrite the entire story. I will take pieces from the first draft, but I do not promise that it will be the same from the first copy. I will say it now, everything from the book was entirely... bad. 
          Sadly, I decided within the struggling hours of thinking that I will cut LWTC into two books. I have other ideas that I would like to express in other fandoms, and I do not want to focus entirely on the Creatures. I mean, I love the Creatures dearly but I DO NOT want my fans to think that my profile consists only to the Creatures. 
          I personally do not want that, I want variety. 
           So, in conclusion, I will rebuild "Living with...the Creatures?". No more dry and low qualities, but with more perfections with less faults. I have matured with my Fangirl behavior(in which I partly blame for my sense of writing on WP). I feel much better that I am doing this to better my weaknesses. I also appreciate the thought from others. Thank you! 
          I am ready to rock and I am glad that you all will be with me every step of the way! 
          To better faults and more creativity! Lets do it! 


Hiya, Nani! I see you're having a dilemma with if you should keep the LWTC series, and I think you should keep it. Maybe, you can reconstruct, and use your first version as an outline to give the story much more structure. 
          Whatever you do, don't delete it. It's a brilliant piece of work, it just needs a little work with the structure of the plot, and grammar. From what I can tell from your last chapter on "Aleks", you are doing fine in writing. 
          Please don't delete the story, I've been reading it from the beginning, and I would like to continue reading it.
          -SabiElectric also known as your BFF, Jazi


Hey guys, 
          So... I need to know something from all of you. I want your opinion. 
          Are you all tired of LWTC? 
          I am feeling really unconfident about the piece of work, and I want you all to tell me if the story is worth reading anymore. 
          I have noticed that the reads have decreased dramatically. No one really  comments unlike before. Most of the readers who read the story in the beginning have not shown any presence with opinions. So, all I want to know from you all if this story is pointless. 
          It seems as if OC x (insert particular person) stories have died away from this site. Their are the popular [reader x particular person] or the [boy! x boy!] stories now. 
          Their is nothing wrong with those types of stories because I read them ALL the time! I just want you guys to tell if I need to move on with the story. I keep saying that I will or will not continue, but in reality I am confused with the series future. 
          It's future depends on you, the readers. 
          I really do appreciate the fact that you read this. It seems as if my profile is DEAD. I don't like that, I want to be more active on here. 
          So if you will, please let me know guys. I want to improve on myself, my stories and writing, and this profile. Thank you dearly. 
          Rock on. 


@7keiko10 thank you for the support :*D


@DeathHelix then if mine turns out well, so will yours!


@7keiko10 Your welcome! I know it will! :D