
Hello babes,
          	As Nanorimo slowly approches, I am beyond excited to return to wattpad with a new story as i have said my finaly goodbyes to the wprld of fanfiction and I am entering a new era within my journey as a writer turning twenty gave me alot to relfect on and how writing fanfictions and other projects kept me sane and in my creative element so I am so excited to share my new series "Red card" along with more on this journey
          	Red card will be out no later than Rebuary of Next year hell maybe sooner you know how impatient i am also i will sharing my whole process with this series on my instagram as DianaAcademia if you want to follow along on te behind the scenes with me the first look at the main cast on my header happy reading babes.


Hello babes,
          As Nanorimo slowly approches, I am beyond excited to return to wattpad with a new story as i have said my finaly goodbyes to the wprld of fanfiction and I am entering a new era within my journey as a writer turning twenty gave me alot to relfect on and how writing fanfictions and other projects kept me sane and in my creative element so I am so excited to share my new series "Red card" along with more on this journey
          Red card will be out no later than Rebuary of Next year hell maybe sooner you know how impatient i am also i will sharing my whole process with this series on my instagram as DianaAcademia if you want to follow along on te behind the scenes with me the first look at the main cast on my header happy reading babes.


Hi guys, 
          How are you how's life been let me know in the comments I'm excited about what I have to say...
          So if you may or may not know, NaNoWriMo is in a month and I am so excited to be participating in this year's NaNoWriMo, I am taking a break, to work on a little project this project will be on Wattpad for you guys to read an enjoy 
          I can say that what I have planned is totally out of my comfort zone of writing this will be my first time writing A story out of my genre and I am not an expert or anything like that but I will try my best to make my first story in this genre a smash or pass but I hope you guys are going to like it and leave your thoughts about my upcoming project 
          As of right now, I'm still in the outlining process and I am not an outliner or planner when it comes to my work I just go with the flow of the moment but I want to try new things as a writer and see how far I can take this journey of mine that I am on 
          So I am very excited to try this and go on a new adventure it's going to be awesome and exciting 
          if you want to learn more about this Duology I have a bootok account where I'm going to post as much info as I can without spoilers and I'm going to be making that account private soon so make sure to go to the links and hit the follow and yeah I can't wait for you guys to see what I have planned this year 
          let me know if you're planning on doing Nanowrimo and tell me what your book is about I can't wait to read them.
          HAPPY WRITING :)


hi guys,
          So i know i have ben gone for a while and for that I am so sorry
          After I lost my grams I had to take a mental health break just to allow myself to heal and come back down from that level of despression  went through 
          my grams was my hero and she was the eldest living person in my family so you can kinda understand my pain a little bit she passed away in may and I haven't been back to her home since the funeral 
          I visited her on her death bed and I couldn't even hug her or get near her because of covid and I was broken because of that and I hated crying in front of her 
          after I had found out the news I isolated myself from all social media including wattpad but I'm coming back because I've missed writing on here and making friends of here aswell
          but I wanted to say thank you for the love and support you guys have been sending me and I love you guys from the bottom of my heart,


Are you back yet


Good hope it goes well :)


@Zak4sm I'm working on something for a current project and I'm gonna put it on Wattpad so yeah I'll be back soon. Hopefully in the the next couple weeks


hi guys,
          i know I've been gone for a really long time and for that I am sorry but recently I lost my grams and my friend lost her gramps so I've been really depressed and haven't been productive but I am working on something as my way of saying I am sorry for being gone for so long and I hope you guys can forgive me


@chinchin1321 thanks for the love and support


@Princess-Jaquilla it's ok we get it we have all lost some one we are close to it just takes time to heal. Don't rush it ok


i know i said legacies would be my final descendants fanfiction but I have something in store to come on March 18 and I'm praying u guys like it for my final descendants series


@Zak4sm don't worry I'm working on something for you since you said that


 no lore descendants oh no what am I gonna read now


I said I was done with Carlos but I never said I was done with descendants On march 18 I have something in store for me Dc fans and readers something very exciting and I can't wait 4 you guys to see what's in store stay tuned guys.


hey guys... so this is not easy to say but I know I've been slacking on marlos and for that, I am very sorry 
          when I found out cam died I did not want to continue but I did and I'm glad I did descendants has been with me since I was eleven and now I'll be 18 this year and I have come to a very hard choice to make legacies my final descendants story with 2 final books and I know this is hard to hear and it's hard for me to say but cam had both a positive and negative impact on my mental health and the people around me are helping me get myself back together
          I love every single on of you guys that's been here since the start I've gained friends on here like @jaycee and many more I luv every single on of you and you will forever be my second family 
          "LONG LIVE EVIL


i haven't forgotten about you guys... I needed to take a mental health break and I've been working on my projects in silence because I feel pressured to update on here every single day and it's gotten to the point where I'm failing in school so I've been taking a break from Wattpad but I know that u guys have been wanting updates and I'm working on it just please give me some more time you guys I luv every single one of you and I will be back on here with updates


            aww thank you so much for the support it really means a lot to me.


@Princess-Jaquilla  hey don't feel pressured there is no rush i get where your coming from i was in the same position in school when i did acting i was feeling pressured to know my lines to know when it was my time to do my lines but they best way to deal with it is to stop completely take a break then slowly go back in to it don't rush because if you rush it will just start all over again so just stop relax and take your time ok so there is no rush