
Tired :/ 
          	And stressed
          	Oh, did I mention, I've only slept three hours this whole week. But! I'm fine!!!


So, like, I know people talk about how they love themselves and all but like... does anyone actually know these people? It feels as though those people are robots or they have a cheat manual and know how to work inside the simulation meanwhile I’m a sim trying to use the bathroom but can’t due to a plate in front of the toilet. Ya feel me? 


HIya! This message is one that I need to write because it's about someone that I hold so dearly to my heart and I just need to get this off my chest. 
          I can't honestly express how much your friendship has impacted my life in the past three years of knowing you. I have never connected with someone so personally before and I need you to understand just how Deeply I adore our friendship. You have been there during my darkest days and have pulled me back when I needed you the most. You light up my life with each silly text and I feel as though I've known you my entire life. You have given me my confidence and it's because of you that I still write on this website. No idea is small and you make sure to remind me of that everyday. I love you and can only hope you can one day realize just how vibrant you are each and everyday.
          Love, your biggest fan - Gem :)


this message may be offensive
            I love you so freaking much you have no idea. I didn’t even know I impacted your life in such ways, I thought I was just that annoying friend. But you yourself have no idea how much you’ve impacted my life. Days where I’d feel like shit and you’d be there for me without even knowing how I felt. That study session last week was one of my favs bc it felt as if we were still in the same room. You better keep writing for as long as you exist cause you’re fucking amazing at it, okay? Can’t leave them books on cliffhangers and not tell your fans (me included biiiiiih) who died this time. I love you Gem  


          Heya, where I live is flooded pretty bad (most of the town’s basically underwater) and we may be evacuating or lose power for a few days so for those of you who read my stories, i’m Not entirely sure when i’ll be able to update due to everyone being on edge. Anywho, i’m Safe and hope you all are too. Have a lovely weekend! ❤️


Did you delete 'Alison sister' fanfiction ?


I’ve put in on private while I work on it as I feel more comfortable doing that way. Sorry though, I’m trying to get it in order but will be a while though 


это сообщение может быть оскорбительным
Ah Hi everybody, I don't know when I'll be able to upload or anything because not only did my computer completely die but so did my phone ( I'm using my mum's right now) I'm hoping to get a cheap one this weekend but if not I'm sorry for the wait and shit!