
Everyone is leaving this app, which is pretty understandable considering how sh*tty it has become in the last few months, 
          	They removed the dm feature (which i would say was good feature if not best), they delete every good book (even if it's slight nsfw, does one have to constantly go through the burden of posting and then they will detele it) 
          	I can literally see no one here in future, no one knows about my books maybe that's why it isn't removed yet. 
          	In last months, i have seen so my writers leaving this platform, not just this platform but like disappearing from everywhere. They deleted their account too, so now ain't no hope left. 
          	but what do i do now, should i leave too? But then where would i go? I just wanted to write, and all those drafts in my docs will just sit there and rot, cuz ain't no way i am letting anyone read it in real life. 
          	People go on in their life, that always sucks. But whatever let's enjoy it till you are here, till i am here.


I had the urge to delete my account right after the dm feature was removed but I couldn't do it..cause then I won't be able to have little conversations with you or I wouldn't be able to read your poems anymore 
          	  I wouldn't have any place to share my thoughts anymore...and I am glad I stayed..


Please don't leave okay?? 


@Taeemyylovee i have an AO3 account, i don't write there but if anything goes wrong, i will share my account.


Everyone is leaving this app, which is pretty understandable considering how sh*tty it has become in the last few months, 
          They removed the dm feature (which i would say was good feature if not best), they delete every good book (even if it's slight nsfw, does one have to constantly go through the burden of posting and then they will detele it) 
          I can literally see no one here in future, no one knows about my books maybe that's why it isn't removed yet. 
          In last months, i have seen so my writers leaving this platform, not just this platform but like disappearing from everywhere. They deleted their account too, so now ain't no hope left. 
          but what do i do now, should i leave too? But then where would i go? I just wanted to write, and all those drafts in my docs will just sit there and rot, cuz ain't no way i am letting anyone read it in real life. 
          People go on in their life, that always sucks. But whatever let's enjoy it till you are here, till i am here.


I had the urge to delete my account right after the dm feature was removed but I couldn't do it..cause then I won't be able to have little conversations with you or I wouldn't be able to read your poems anymore 
            I wouldn't have any place to share my thoughts anymore...and I am glad I stayed..


Please don't leave okay?? 


@Taeemyylovee i have an AO3 account, i don't write there but if anything goes wrong, i will share my account.


Oh what a sight, you getting down on your knees for me. 
          Oh what a sight, what a shock for the world, you willing to be on your knees for me. 
          It took your one action, for me to forget every other. 
          It took your one word, for me to stop saying another. 
          Oh, my love, wasn't this what wished for?
          Oh, my love, the closed cage in the name of freedom. 
          It showed me the stars, took the moon from me. 
          It sowed me the love, took the freedom from me. 


@BorahaeBTSbyM i just realised it after you pointed out, lol. okay i won't delete it.


@DazedbyDawn  My unholy mind at the first sentence ⊙⁠.⁠☉
            But yeah, It's adorable and interesting.
            Don't delete it, dear.


You know Daze, 
          I think nowadays you are being able to express your thoughts and feelings into words even more beautifully. Like I always loved your poems and everything but nowadays....this is truly an new era of yours ♡♡♡ and I am loving it do muchhhh


@Theia_777 Star this has to be the best compliment i ever received!!! (I am definitely not blushing. no it's not me!)


I Want,
          If I could be anything I want, then I want to be the scientist whose own discovery drove him mad, made him lose all his senses over the mystery he introduced to the world but couldn't solve it himself.
          I like to be the writer whose downfall was written on the blank paper, in silence when no words crossed her mind. The world left her close to death but not to death.
          I like to be that student who loses all of his in the books, choosing the future instead of the present, and losing both.
          I like to be a politician , who was a good man but ways of his work made him go insane till the only thing which was left in him was corruption and evil. 
          I like to be the painter who brings colors on canvas, he painted of all of his colors, all of his bright on paper , himself being pale and surrounded by dullness. 
          I like to be that business man who worked the hardest, on the top, the cost he paid is his life, his family, and died because he overworked for his life and his family.
          If I could experience anything I want to experience the fall of knowledge, the burning passion which leaves nothing but ash when it calms down. 
          I wanna experience the tragedy of knowing things, ignorance is maybe bliss but I want to be the one who walks barefoot in hell.


@Theia_777 speechless- (I suddenly feels so honored.)


The last line.....I will write this whole poem in my diary. So now you can have a slight idea how much I loved this one


This is so damn beautiful 


this message may be offensive
Just so you know that I've always been here, running parallel to you. Not touching you, barely saying anything walking within the vicinity of yours, trembling with raw emotions ready to cut and bleed. 
          But, if you ask me how, how could I just let all of the time go in vain, how could i feel so distant in love, then i would tell you how you are the light shining the world and I am the blackhole destroying everything in my reach, you are the angel and my one action can taint you for forever. You have a beautiful heart and I don't want it to crumble down underneath  the weight of my bizarre words, haunting thoughts and absurd writings. 
          How could I ever talk about Something without killing the soul in other and then how could I kill the only thing that I love, how could I ounce on the only string of peace in my heart and how could I let myself harm you.
           I would rather kill myself hundred times. 
          If my words made you cry, I would stop writing. 
          If my breathing is irritating your ears I would stop breathing.
          If my heartbeats are music to you, I would rip it apart and give it to you as my last gift. 
          I would destroy myself, completely and wholly, just for you. 
          And you still ask do I even love you. 


@Theia_777 Thank you star, that's so kind of you.  (People who i loved, they generally end up being inspirations for my story and then they suffer.) *smiling innocently


@DazedbyDawn  the person you love will be the luckiest person ever 


A random midnight confession- I really really like the vibe of your account. 
          Good nighttttttt


@DazedbyDawn you are absolutely on the right track so don't worry. I love your writings so much


Do you know about the story of ballerina and soldier who had no heart? 
          Open upon a time in an array of puppets one of them was a soldier and somehow he always desired to be with ballerina, all the time. he wishes to be close to her as close she allows. He always spent his free time watching ballerina practice and he always look up her performance but he never knew where did his feeling came from since he don’t have a heart. 
          One day the master of show didn’t want him anymore he threw the soldier in fire and even when he burnt his eyes never left ballerina's eyes, he looked at her pained expression seeing him burnt but he felt nothing but guilty giving her pain and when the morning came and the fire faded to ground they found a tiny heart in the ashes.


@DazedbyDawn that is so beautiful yet sad