
Well, I just chased a dog the size of a husky all over a small town in Pennsylvania, on foot. I am now very tired. Seriously, small town for car, large on foot. And she would stop, and stare at me, and once I got within 5 feet, she would take of running again.


@DazaisNoose she's not even my dog! She's a friend's!


Well, I just chased a dog the size of a husky all over a small town in Pennsylvania, on foot. I am now very tired. Seriously, small town for car, large on foot. And she would stop, and stare at me, and once I got within 5 feet, she would take of running again.


@DazaisNoose she's not even my dog! She's a friend's!


I need help. Sometime tomorrow night, (14-16 hours from now) I'm going with my grandma and her roommate to see the new Jurassic Park movie. I like Jurassic Park, but I haven't caught up on all the movies, and I don't want to ruin it for them, so can someone explain the movies excluding the last? But like, don't make it too long because I don't want y'all wasting your time. Sorry to ask this, but it was kinda my last choice. It's fine if no one can though.


@IamADumbShit123 it's fine. Thank you though


@LanaMohammedAli thank you so much. I am literally at the movies now, so thank you. I appreciate this a lot.


K I just came back from YouTube and I found many videos explaining the timeline of Jurassic park , search on yt " jurrasic park explained "


Kay, I need help. I literally started my monthly and don't have pads or anything! I feel uncomfortable asking on here, but my grandma will make a huge deal of it and announce it to the people who can actually see me face to face, so I asked here. What should I do? 


@S1LV3RF3ATH3R thank you. And yes, we are friends, and I appreciate it. 


@DazaisNoose np! I hope it helpez


So, I'm having to take a 6 and a half hour car ride from Mississippi to Kentucky today, and tomorrow another ride for the same amount of time from Kentucky to Pennsylvania. Fun. And I'm staying there with my grandma and her roommate for a month, and leaving my dad. 
          Btw I have attachment/abandonment issues, so this is very difficult for me. Just wanted to talk about it a little.
          On the upside, my dad bought me a Nintendo switch and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe yesterday.


@DazaisNoose oh, well im sorry that you have to leave your dad for a month, but a nintendo switch :000 


Sorry about being inactive on here, but I've been dealing with some issues. Me and my dad had to move back in with my grandma because him and my stepmom are divorcing, and I need some time just with my dad and sister, so I'll still probably be inactive for awhile. Again, I'm sorry, but please try to understand. 


Thank you all so much for understanding. 


@DazaisNoose You don't need to say sorry dw! I hope things are okay!<3 


@DazaisNoose You don't need to say sorry, i really do hope things get much better for you and your dad and sister.


Soo...I have these red bumps on my arms, and they burn, but doctors don't know what they are. I don't have any bugs in my house, I have literally no allergies (I could eat poison oak and it wouldn't bother me for example) and no matter what, nothing is changing. 
          Just had to teach myself first aid because the started burning, so I started (against my parents wishes) scratching. Then it got worse and I literally started scratching my skin off, and my arm started to bleed. I didn't want my parents to get upset, so I stole my dad's first aid kit, and had to use alcohol wipes (burns like hell) and bandage my arm. Going to have to pull it off as a burn.


@S1LV3RF3ATH3R I'll try to look into the chicken skin thing, and the contagious thing. 
            But I doubt it's scabies. I have researched everything I know of, from chicken pox, scabies, eczema, and anything else like that. And the doctors told me they haven't seen this before.