
Please take a look at my new poem Beautiful Little Angel. Thank you :) x


Hi I am also suffering from ME, and I love your poem about it. :) my life just feels so worthless at the moment. I have tried talking to friends and family but they just don't understand. They end up comparing it to them not wanting to get out of bed that morning or the fact that they have already yawned once already today!!! People just don't understand and most of the time they don't want to either!! Do you have any advice with coping with ME because i just don't know what to do anymore. Sorry to ramble, thanks :) badwolf221 


You are such a good writer and I find your poems really heartbreaking and true to life. If you want to talk more about ME with someone, I'm always around. Sometimes it's better to talk :)


Hello. Thank you very much. Sorry for my late reply I haven't been on here in a long time. I hope the ME poem has helped you feel not so alone in your battle and I am also hear if you wish to rant an rave about this illness. I know as others do not understand what we go through sometimes they aren't the best listeners, but I am more than happy to. I will try and make sure I log on more often just in case. 
            Take care of yourself and all the best :)