
Hola, morros, volví 


Dit bericht kan beledigend zijn
I'm so done with playing piggy back, oh
          Swear to god I wished y'all all the best, oh
          You're lying your way to try to gain a piece of me
          When you could never come close cause I know my destiny
          I worked hard for my shit
          Put my love in this shit
          Now you're trying to kill my name for some fame
          What is this?
          Tried to help you do your shit
          Encouraged you to work on it
          Was a good friend and you used that to your advantage


Buenas noches a todos los que se vayan a dormir, porque yo no xd


@ DavidGilmourFk  eso espero 7u7 


@ DavidGilmourFk  si xd 7u7 


Oscillate yourself tonight
          When you're in your bed
          Assimilate the dopamine
          Passing through your head
          When you get back on a Saturday night
          And the room is caving in
          Do you look like me? Do you feel like me?
          Do you turn into your effigy?
          Do you dance like this forever?
          See yourself in Cupid's lake
          Chipped in your head
          Do you indicate to the satellites
          Passing by the edge?
          When you get back on a Saturday night
          And the room is caving in
          Do you look like me? Do you feel like me?
          Do you turn into your effigy?
          Do you dance like this forever?
          Do you dance like this forever?
          Do you look like me?
          Do you burn like me?
          Do you look like me?
          Do you burn like me?
          Do you look like me?
          Do you burn like me?
          Do you turn into your effigy?
          Do you dance like this forever?
          Do you dance like this forever?
          (Do you dance?)
          (Do you dance?)
          (Do you dance?)
          (Do you dance?)


Que Amy Lee me toque como quiera, ah 7w7


@g-ghuleh  gracias, igualmente a vos


@ DavidGilmourFk  xd ya las dejé ahí, que tengan linda noche xd