
Cozy up at home and connect with other readers from around the world over Wattpad stories selected to lift your spirits! *Stories included are in English* #ReadTogether https://www.wattpad.com/list/873880935


Just updated my story "It's Harry, Edward,  Marcel" (Narry) other story will be updated very soon thank you for reading and I'm incredibly sorry for the delay thank you for sticking by me your support is my inspiration, Comments and votes are greatly appreciated.


Hey! I have no room to talk when it comes to this, but I was just wondering if you know when you were gonna update your Harry, Edward, Marcel story. Thank you :) 


Hello! :) sorry for my rather late response but I believe I will update tomorrow or some time on Friday. Hope that's not too bad. I'm trying to edit the chapter for full enjoyment and of course you have room to talk, thank you for asking :)